Ambers POV

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So, the trimester is almost over! I want to see the grades I got!
I want nothing less than all A+s, naturally. I have a feeling my grades are dropping since I started listening to music.

Yes, while doing homework.

Does homework affect my grades? I've always wanted to know that.

Some people think 'nerds' and 'geeks' should know "everything" but we don't. Just cause I care about my grades and I wear glasses doesn't mean i'm instantly a nerd. It's rude to call people that, especially when you don't know them. Rude with a capital "R".

Anyway, I made an account for Instagram, and I honestly don't know what's so good about it. Or maybe i'm following the wrong people. All I get daily are pictures of horizons and buildings and ancient items. Yea, most likely im following the wrong people.

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