Brady's POV

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There are things I wonder about people.

Then I tell my brain to shut up.

Anyway, I got really close with Candi today. We are set to work on a science project in pairs, and I got paired up with her. Yea! Score one for Brady, Score zero for Calvin. Calvin was set to work with that one nerd.

Oh yea, Auburn.

Or was it Amber?

I don't know, but Calvin got set up with her and Candi's not happy.

Well, actually, she went up to the teacher and almost cursed him out, but she didn't.

What she did to was tell him why Calvin shouldn't be partners with Annabelle.

She had an entire list, I remember one of them was that Anika could sit back and do nothing and Calvin does all the work, but the teacher was like "No, Alicia is a very good student" ecetera ecetera.

I really need to learn her name, whatever it is.

Classroom B-12Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora