Ryle's POV

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"Hey, man." I said coolly to Gabe.

"Wassup" he replied, all "coolish"

I have been trying out this stuff for about a week, and let me tell you, it's really cool.

What stuff have I been trying out?


A word I could spell and define but had yet to experience. And now the three-part quiz is over. Im officially popular.

I guess I just had that "look" that separates the "nerds" from the "cool kids". And don't be all "Wow, Ryle changed himself just for the sake of popularity. It doesn't work that way.

Popularity is something that you must fake. You play it cool in front of everyone else, and behind their backs you can go ahead and do anything you want. Well... not everything. But you can be a nerd when no one is watching. And so far...? That's turned out pretty cool for me.

I also met this girl, Asuna.

I want to date her, but I don't want to think about what Willow would say when she found out im moving on in less than a week. That's how life rolls.

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