y/n and a🅱️🅱️a (by hairo

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y/n was in such a stressed state. knowing that jonglocko and geeman both had their eyes on her. she quivered as she stood in her towel dress, made to specifically fit her, and of course her arch nemesis. . . genie kim.

genie somehow appeared infront of y/n though, scaring her to death. "stay away from my o🅱️🅱️ars !" she yelled, slapping y/n right across her face.

y/n cried while she watched junghandbook pick up jencooch and jimangles. without hesitation he body slammed his PHAT booty into them. not leaving them a single chance to relieve themselves of his nice rotten smell.

as he lowkey made out with them but not really he looked at y/n and said. . .

"y/n. . ."

"geemeanie is your a🅱️🅱️a. . ."

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