ten, johnny and ya me mudo aqui (by uno

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ten walkes into johnnys house "ya, me mudo aqui"

johnny says "who tf is you"

ten says "soy... tu nueva novia"

johnny just goes with it, seeing as ten was a hottie with a bottie

while showing the numbered man to the spare room, johnny asks "so, what brings you here?"

ten responds, cheeks tinted with a blush, "mi deseo de estar contigo"

johnny nodded his head, "it be like that sometimes"

he let the former stranger into the room and showed him around

suddenly, the two were tripped by none other than mark

"ATRÁPAME PAPI" ten yelled to johnny as he flung himself towards the beefy male

suddenly the two collapsed onto the bed into the stereotypical haciendo el amor position

mark, in utter surprise, dialed an ambulance for attempted murder- the breaking of his heart

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