ryujin's sexi dungeon (by hairo

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ryujin bursts through the door, panting. everyone in the sexi dungeon looks at her, including me. i couldn't bare the silence any longer a honked my barbie car from 1984.

ryujin looked at jungbungie and back at me, still panting. "w where's soobin" she asked about the bread man thing.

although a little shorter than usual, subbean tackled rhinestones in a huge hug.

"why do you have a zipper on your back subway sandwich ?" my barbie car asked.

he then panicked trying to get out of roonjee's grasp but horribly failing. his zipper JOPPED as he squirmed and his fur shoelean suit was on the ground. instead of being soobin he turned out to be. . .

"jimandala o🅱️🅱️ar ?!?!"

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