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Ship:Kōshi Sugawara X Daichi Sawamura
Side ships: Kagehina and Iwaoi
#WARNING: I'm running off a few hours of sleep so this is gonna be bad# 

~~~~~~ ~<Me × you=  0 chance of working       out>~~~~~

(Thats what my girlfriend said before she broke up with me)

"Shouyou wake up!" Said an angel- I mean a devil - I mean God - Uhh.....Said Sugamama

"Mmm...5 more minutes.." Said the sun.

" You said that 30 minutes ago! C'mon hun you gotta get ready for daycare! "

There was no response because thee perfect Shoyou was already back to sleep.

"If you dont get up, you won't be able to see tobio."

THEN suddenly Shoyou bolt out of bed and was already in his day clothes - wait how the fuck did that boy change so fast!?

"Im ready papa!!"

Suga just laughed then picked up Shoyou and walked downstairs for breakfast

"Did dada alweady leave?" Hinata asked as he was being put down into his chair

"Yes he did hun but he'll be able to pick you up from daycare" suga said calmly while sitting down

" Yay!! " Hinata exclaimed jumping from his seat

"Shoyou Sugawara sit down and eat!"

" Sorry papa! "

¿¿¿If you die do you actually go to heaven or is it just and illusion by how much blood you lost or the dizziness of dying so your head goes to a happy place because it has no idea what's happening????

"Stupid Shoyou!!!!" Is exactly what dachi heard when he walked into the daycare .

"You're such a jerk bakageyama!!" Then silence until a loud slap was heard and crying and then another slap that turned into a fight -

"SOMEBODY STOP THEM! THESE ARE LIKE 4 YEAR OLDS! WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING!? " A new daycare worker screamed- asked??

  Well I think he's new or he wouldn't be yelling. My bets as soon as he learns that this happens everyday he gonna quit. Weakling..

But anyway like I was saying Daichi walked in the daycare and thought
"Ah just another normal day.."
Then walked up to Shoyo and said
" c'mon say goodbye to Tobio we gotta get home"

Shoyo looked at him then looked at Tobio then looked back at Dachi then looked back at-
"okay dada"
" bye Tobi! " 
as Shoyo says that he grabs Dachi's hand and as they walk off Tobio waves.

"So how was your day bud?" Dachi asks when they get in the car and all bucked up

"It was good! Me and Tobi drew and played volley ball! He also kissed me on the cheek!"

"Aww, that's so cute!"

Dachi and Shoyou continue to talk until they get home.

"We're home!" They say at the same time

" Welcome back guys " Suga says as he walks in the hall way and kisses Dachi


"It's now eww " dachi said pulling away and looking at Hinata

"Yeah it's a beautiful thing you do to people you love"

"I love tobi  can I kiss him?"

" when you're older champ " dachi said patting his son's head


"Papa?" A seven year old boy said walking up to his father that was currently reading a book in the living room

"Yes hun?"

"Where do babies come from?" Shoyou asked the question every parent dreads.

"Umm you see..."

"Its....how about I tell you when your older!"

" But papa-"

"Dont you think we should make dinner now!" Suga you look a little sweaty there you okay?

"OKAY!!" Hinata says running to the kitchen

-----he doesn't learn till kageyama tells him--------

"Okay hun it's your first day in middle school...stay with your boyfriend sense you have all your classes together and dont get lost!"

" Calm down papa I'll be fine and I'll stay with Tobi dont worry! Now isn't dad waiting in the car"

"Probably crying -"


" Sorry, sorry I'll go! "

Shoyou waved as suga left and walked to Tobio who was getting hugged to death by  Tooru and Hajime watching with a single tear rolling down his face.

"Papa let go!"

" No!!! My boys growing up and it isn't fair! "

"Tooru let him go.you,  And Tobio good luck"

Tooru slowly let go of Tobio and saw Shoyou" Oh hi Shoyou!!!"
"HELLO!! "
Shoyo ran to Tobio's side and grabbed his hand and Tobio blushed.

"Well you guys take care of yourselves. Dont get lost and be careful. "

Both of them just nod there heads

"Byeeeeee!! We love you Tobio -Chan! And see you after school!!"

And then the 2 other parents left.

Shoyo looked at Tobio and said "Welp time to start middle school! "

Before Dachi and Suga knew it Shoyo graduated high school and became a kindergarten teacher he got married to Tobio. They adopted a kid named (random name) and lived happily ever after - but this story isn't about them..

"We did it Dachi! We watched him grow up and we lived a happy life...but now we're 90 you died and I'm gonna die... But at least I died happy "

~he died 1 hour after that ~

Well I hope you enjoyed the ending brought tears to my eyes but goodbye guys!

*846 words*

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