Love is stupid. Even with the

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Someone wanted me to do kurotsuki or kagetuskki.

Tbh I'm writing this before I even know which one I'm doing.

Edit: it's kurotuski sorry other fans.

This will be edited with the person who asked and which ship soon. By that I mean when I update.

Edit: @BambooPlayzz requested this

The Watari x Mattsun one shot will be out eventually. 

Sorry I haven't uploaded recently. Can I blame it on my birthday that's like tomorrow? Sense it's 2:00Am and my birthdays on the 14th :p.

anyway onto the story.


Tsukishima Kei did not believe in love. It just didn't make sense. But of course Kuroo Tetsurou had to ruin that.

Fuck him. 

(O////O Tsukki so soon -) No he did not mean sexually (man..) he meant he wanted to punch Kuroo for making him feel this way.

It all started when Tsukishima was enjoying his time at the library with his best friend Hinata Shōyō. (I know Yamaguchi is his best friend but if I can't have my romantic Tsukishima then I want it platonic.) 

Hinata Shōyō isnt the smartest at their school but it doesn't mean Hinata isn't smart in his own way. He was actually very smart and Tsukishima knows he's so lucky to have Hinata as his best friend. (Of course he would never admit it)

But anyway him and Tsukishima were just reading when a rat- oh wait that's just a human with terrible hair- walked into the room.

Let's just say Tsukishima turned into Eliza for a second before composing himself and going back to the salty dino he is. Of course that didn't stop his best friend from noticing.

"Aww does Tsuki find that guy hot~"

"Shut up Shōyō" (is Hinata the new Yamaguchi? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Hotel? Travigo. )

Hinata just smiled and said "go talk to him!"

" Libraries arnt made for talking they're made for reading. "

 " 'Kay, but if ya dont you might miss a great relationship ~"

Tsukishima shakes his head and goes to find a new book. Tsukishima found the book he was looking for but when he reached to grab it somebody was teaching to grab it too.

"Oh sor-"

Oh my Asahi it's the cute guy from earlier. (Woah didnt expect that one)

"Oh no I'm sorry. A cutie like you shouldn't need to apologize."

Tsuki may have blushed a little bit for his own heart decided to leave before it got broke.  

 "Whatever. You can have the book I'll read it later"

Right before Tsukishima was about to go back to Hinata he was grabbed by the arm.

"Wait! Would you maybe wanna go on a date sometime? " the blushing guy said

"I dont even know your name.."

"Kuroo Tetsurou. Who may you be? "

 "Tsukishima Kei."

Tsukishima Kei might find love stupid in every way by with the right person maybe it's worth it.

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