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I took a minute at the door to pull myself together,

The doctor said my love would soon be lost till never,

I didn't have the courage to smile but I had to serve her dinner,

I walked in and the look in her eyes told me it could wait till later,

I took her hand in mine and she was burning with fever,

I went to get the doctor but she stopped me and gently moved over,

I lay beside her and watched as her eyelids began to flutter,

So frail and weak but somehow her beauty never wavered,

"Stay awake my love..", I quietly pleaded ... But then all she did was smile like she knew it was finally over.

I hugged her small frame to myself and held her closer,

And then quietly began to hum her favorite lullaby,

We did this every night for as long as I can remember,

But yet somehow I knew this was the last time we'll ever,

Her eyelids dropped at the last note and I knew it was closed forever,

"Goodnight my love".... I whispered...And hoped she was somewhere better.


Please vote and share if you like this.. Its a first and I could use all the support. Thanks!!

Also I would be updating a new Book soon, so stay tuned.

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