Arrested and Heart broken (Crossover 2/2)

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3rd POV

It was dark; the clouds blocked the crescent moon and the wind howled lightly as the trees rustled and danced with the wind, about 11:47 PM to be exact, and Lloyd had thoughts about his somewhat successful plan one last time before going into the haunted pizzeria of murder. As for the rest of the ninja, they were just talking about something off-topic to the plan, and as for Kai; he knew the feeling of disturbance would come back to his best friend as soon as they got on top of the roof of the pizzeria.

"You alright, Green Bean?" Kai rubs his shoulder, giving him comfort.

"N- ... Yeah, I'm doing fine," his worried exhale left him, "it's just that the place would shut down for good once we do this. I enjoy Fazbear's, Kai, I do, so does Bonnie. Once this is over, we can-"

"Just calm down and carry on what you need to do, that's all I can say," he starts to give Lloyd a noogie and laughs lightly, "Cuz if you don't, then people would probably start to think that you're not strong enough to even hold yourself in a life or death situation. Like the serpentine, or the Overlord? You had supported yourself because of us and-"

"Let's get this mission done, so I can go back to bed," Cole groans loudly after a yawn. Kai starts a death gaze at Cole from that loud yawn that escaped his mouth.


Meanwhile with the Fazbear brothers, a certain brunette was with his older brother, scolding him off for speaking with terms to his newly found beloved one, Lloyd Garmadon. The young brother then starts to hit the older one in the gut. Gavin Fazbear, the older brother, had shown no emotion, except for hurt; he knew his younger brother was way too violent directly towards the others, including him as well. He also knew that he was going to go somewhere eventually. He started to cry for a moment as he thought of that. As for his young brother, Freddy Fazbear, he feels...

He felt...

What did he feel?

He was just...


"I don't want you to touch him! You always get what you want, even before the restaurant even opened; You're a ​Golden Attraction​, yet you barely show yourself, you hypocrite!"

"Frederick Alexander Fazbear, for the past eighteen fucking years that this godforsaken​ restaurant chain had been alive, I have never fully got what I wanted. You're the center of attention; the main star of the show, and you won't hesitate to even... Know what?!" The blonde, with bear ears, had yelled with an angered sigh, "this is probably a reason why the people who you dated were just seeing you for looks and money, that they didn't give a flying shit about you because you never showed affection back, you only cared that they stayed with you. And the fact that Scott hates you!"

"He doesn't hate me, Golden!" Freddy cursed his nickname as he threw a packed punch at his older brother's nostrils.

"You don't need to hit me after what you did, Fred!" he starts to scratch his brother's eye, making him almost tremble.

This verbal fight turned physical. And just like that, Gavin had a broken bloody nose, a lot of scrapes and scratch marks, and a swollen up eye. Freddy got twice the scrapes and clawings, and a bruised, bloody mark on the temple of his forehead. The bears weren't this aggressive unless the matters are crucial to one or both of them. And if things were already heated up as is, they wouldn't want more to happen, not now anyway.

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