Good morning, class!

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~*Mikan POV*~

Its the first day of Highschool. I yawn and get up from my bed. Like always, I trip and fall while I walk over to my closet. "Augh! I wish I could just have someone always here preventing me from falling. That would be great.." I got up drowsily and started to pick out my uniform. Everyone got different ones basing on their talents. I got a pink button-up shirt with a short blue skirt. I would be given my apron and materials on the school premises. I look in my mirror and adjust my torn and cut hair. "Wheres my bag?" I whisper under my breath. "Oh, here it is." I pick it up and look at my clock. "Oh shoot! I'm going to be late!" I pick up my stuff and run out the door, almost falling in the process. Running down the road, I trip over someone's leg. "Ah! I-I'm sorry!" I get up as quickly as possible trying not to embarrass myself even more and keep on running. When I arrive, the school hallways are practically empty. Only filled with the few students who don't have a first-period class. "Oh, no.." I mumble. Tears start forming in my eyes as I'm scared as to what my teacher is going to be like if I show up after the bell rings. Running down the hallway, I just manage to make it in front of my class before the bell rings. "Auh! No! Why does life hate me!" I push open my door. "S-s-sorry I'm late! I fe-" I was then interrupted by a girl by the name I later learned was Hiyoko Sayonji. "Oh, shut up! Nobody cares, Mikan." How does she know my name? Wait! I recognize her. She was a girl from my 3rd-grade class! Ah! Everyones staring at me! I quickly rushed to an empty seat and put my stuff down. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped a little bit, as it caught me off guard and turned around. "Hiya!" A girl with blue and pink streaks in her black and grey hair announced in my face. "I'm Ibuki Mioda! What's your name?" S-someones actually being nice? No, they can't be. They must be friends with that Hiyoko girl..Maybe she- NO! Just talk back to her. Stop being an idiot. "I-I'm Mikan Tsumiki..N-n-nice to meet y-ou.." I covered my face with my hands. "I-I'm sorry! I'm not used to people talking so nicely to me!" Ibuki looked confused. "R-really? That's sad. I wish I new you better so I could ask why." The door opened and a lady with long coral colored hair walked through. "Good morning, class! I'm your teacher. Miss Yukizome. I'll be your homeroom teacher! Now, everyone find a seat and I'll explain what you'll be doing today on your first day!" She seemed cheerful and sweet. Maybe I'll get along with her! Ugh, Mikan. Stop thinking about that. "Now that everyone has a desk, I'll be announcing two random names from my list and you'll be doing a "get to know each other project." Miss Yukizome shouted in excitement while using a white ribbon to tie up her hair. "Okay, first. Akane Owari and Gundam Tanaka. Second, Mikan Tsumiki and Ibuki Mioda." Augh!~ Im with that nice girl I talked to just now. I wonder what her preferences and hobbies are..

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