Here at School is not Fun.

570 13 2

Please ignore that I'm doing the scripting differently here!!

I'm surprisingly early and see Ibuki at my locker looking like shes waiting for someone..

Wait..COULD SHE BE WAITING FOR ME? No, no, no... she can't! Oh yeah! The project!

[Ibuki] "Hey! Mikan! Over here!" She yelled that with such passion, it sounded like she had a passion for me!

[Mikan] "O-oh! H-ey Ibuki! H-how are you?"

[Ibuki] "I'm great!! So..I wanted to ask a few questions about our project to get to know eachother!"

[Mikan's POV] Oh no.. it's probably gonna be some question about my body or my life or something!! Uh.. do I respond? I overthought so much I didn't even hear her question..

[Mikan] "Oh.. I-I'm Sorry!I didn't hear you.. Please forgive me!

[Ibuki] "You're okay! And my question waaaas... What's your favorite color?"

[Mikan's POV] I was relived as she said that. I could feel tears forming in my eye and I quickly wiped them away and answered with a quick; 

[Mikan] "Purple or p-pink!"

Ibuki wrote down some words on a little notepad she had. It was labeled; "Ibuki Mioda's Notepad!" with rainbow stickers all over it.

[Ibuki] "Ibuki thanks you for your kind service!" She bowed and jogged off to the classroom.

That was a strange interaction.. I thought as I saw Hiyoko in the corner of my eye. This could only mean bad. Im scared... My knees stiffen as I try to balance myself and get prepared for whatever she could do to me.

[Hiyoko] "Hey Tsumiki! How many kicks to the stomach do you think you could take today?"

I tremble a little bit. 

[Hiyoko] "Awe.. are you too scared? Hahaha! I'll keep track for you!"

I was pushed to the floor and was kicked 4 times before Ibuki came back. When Ibuki did come back and see what happened, she picked up Hiyoko and placed her behind her. Ibuki proceeded to help me up and take me to the nurse's office. 

[Ibuki] "What else do you need?"

I pointed to the bandages on the counter behind her and she took two large steps towards me handing them to me. I wrapped them around my stomach and tried getting up only to be sat back down by the pain I felt in my gut.

[Ibuki] "Hey! Its okay! I'll cover for you. I'll tell Yukizome about what---"

[Mikan] "N-NO! Please.. d-don't.."

Ibuki looked confused and handed me an icepack from the freezer. 

[Ibuki] "What do you mean?"

I adjusted myself.

[Mikan] "Hiyoko h-as a-always been a bully to m-me. She'll kill me if an-nyone finds out about what she's doing to me! So p-please.."

Ibuki's face scrunched up in frustration and her fists clentched. She slowly stood up and opened the door and before she left said;

"I'm not gonna let her continue this."

I was concerned for both Hiyoko and Ibuki. What was gonna happen to Hiyoko? What is Ibuki gonna do? Will this come back to me in the end?

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