Here at School is not Fun. (2)

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.~*Ibuki's POV*~.

I angrily walked up to Hiyoko who was laughing with a group of friends who were apart of the fight. I tapped her shoulder.. She turned around slowly, I small smirk grew on her face.

[Hiyoko] "Well, well, well, look  who it is. What do you want Ibuki?"

[Ibuki] "Leave Mikan alone. She did nothing to you! Why do you feel the need to hurt her?"

[Hiyoko] "Mikan is a slut. Just look at her! She deserves everything that gets thrown at her! Literally! Hahaha!"

[Ibuki] "Its not funny." 

I mumbled under my breath. I was trying to contain my anger the best I could. I looked at her with rage in my eyes. I had seen her do this before to Mikan and had tried to step in but was always pushed away. I walked a fast pace towards Miss Yukizome's room and stopped when I had got to the door. I rethought my actions and decided to obey Mikan's orders and not say anything. I walked back to the nurses office, ignoring the childish taunts I was given by Hiyoko and her other friends. 

I soon got to the office and saw Mikan organizing some pill bottles in the cabnients. Unaware she was easily startled, I burst in with my happy energy, knocking  her off the stepstool she was standing on. 

[Mikan] "AHHHH!" *Thud* "O-ouch.."

She looked up at me.

I ran over to her to help her, but she quickly got up and apologized..

[Mikan] "I-I'm sorry! Please forgive m-me!!!"

I tilted my head in confusion, looking at her tear-filled eyes. Could she really be this sensitive to people and sound? I don't want to ask her about it as to she might be more startled that way. C'mon, Ibuki. Think! What would someone do for you? Probably ask.. No! I'll wait until after the presentation. 

[Ibuki] "Hey! Its okay!! Are you okay? What hurts the most?"

[Mikan] "T-thank you but I-I'll be fine!"

Mikan's POV

W-woah... She actually cared about me. S-SOMEONE ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME FOR ONCE. N-no.. It cant be!

The bell rang. Ibuki and I both looked at eachother. Ibuki grabbed my arm and ran to class with me. I wad terrified as to what was happening but let it happen. We finally got to the classroom, noone was there yet.. Except for us.. Ibuki sat me down and then energetically sat down behind me in her seat and pulled out her notebook and started to ask me more questions. Questions like, "Whats your favorite food?" or "What is your favorite thing to do in your freetime?" I grabbed a notebook out of my bag and asked the same questions. I started to get more comfortable with talking to her. I felt good about myself for once.

All of a sudden.. Hiyoko walks in with Mahiru. Mahiru looked uncomforatable that day, I would have asked her whats wrong if Hiyoko wasn't there and if I wasn't so scared to interact with people.

Soon, more and more people walked in, including Miss Yukizome. She asked the class if anyone was ready to present with their assigned partners a few days early. A couple people raised their hand and one by one, the few groups went up to present. 

I heard Ibuki pulling tape and putting it onto a couple of folders she had glued together to make a board. She tapped my shoulder asking me for my notes and questions. I handed them to her nervously and she took them and taped them onto the folders. She then rapidly raised her hand and asked if we could present early. My back stiffened in fear and I started to tremble. 

[Yukizome] "Yes, Ibuki?"

[Ibuki] "Miss Yukizome, can me and Mikan presentate?"

[Yukizome] "Yes! Please! Do come up and share what you two have learned about eachother from the questions you were given."

Ibuki stood up excitedly and pulled me to the front of the room. I stood there with my knees bent and shaking. I looked around the room in fear and then looked at the "poster" Ibuki had made. I hinted she should go first.

[Ibuki] "Okay, so... About Mikan. Mikan's favorite color(s) are Pink and Purple! She is 5'3" and her favorite past-time is nursing people! Your turn, Mikan!"

I stood there speechless and shaking in fear. I fianlly got myself together and pointed to the board.

[Mikan] "I-Ibuki's f-f-favorite color is every color of the r-ainbow. She is 5'2"1/2 and h-her f-avorite p-p-pastime i-is sing-i-ng."

The Ultimate Princess of the school and of the entire country, Miss Sonia Nevermind's face lit up.

[Sonia] "Wow Tsumiki! I've never heard you talk that much before!" 

I smiled a bit and walked back to my seat only to trip over Hiyoko's foot while getting there.

[Hiyoko] "Hehehe! You'll always be worthless, Tsumiki. Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

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