I'll Brave Christmas For You Part 1

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After the Cleo incident everything was smooth sailing for Peter and Stiles. Neither of them felt bad or stressed about lying to each other anymore about their food preferences (all of the chocolate chip cookies went straight to the trash) and at the end of the day it was a funny story. But the best part was as a result the last "courting barrier" crumbled, and all of a sudden Peter and Stiles became PeterandStiles. It annoyed Scott to no end, however even he could smell how happy Stiles was now. So Scott finally stopped trying to play matchmaker with the spark and Theo, much to Peter's (and the packs as they know how Peter is) relief.

But all the spending more time together and finally being official brings a new challenge for the wolf. A challenge called Christmas specifically. As it's commonly known, Christmas is a big deal in Beacon Hills, so much so the town turns into a Hallmark channel basically throughout the holidays. And in the past the Hales were right in the center of it. Talia and Mark organize the Santa 5k run, the children helping out with Toys4Tots, and Peter himself doing pro bono work all month and even sometimes dressing up as Santa for the town's kids.

However one fire and eight years later, a lot have changed for the last three remaining Hales. Cora now is living in South America and only calls about once a month (never on family originated holidays though, no fault of anyone's). Derek and Peter, although closer now than before and are currently living together simultaneously ignore things like Christmas and Thanksgiving as well. After all, why would they want to celebrate something that would only serve to remind them of what they lost?

Peter knows realistically he can't avoid Christmas forever and that eventually he will have to fully move past the death of his pack. But he also knows that smelling hot chocolate still makes him think of his grandmothers sent. And that everytime he watches a Peanuts Christmas special he thinks of the children's laughter. It makes him wonder sometimes if they have survived, who has new traditions? Would they still welcome him to the Christmas dinner table the way he is now? Scarred and still a little broken. It's those moments and thoughts that actually make his throat feel as if it is closing, and his eyes from tears.

But Peter is now looking as Stiles, who is sitting in his lap wrapped in a blanket ("I get cold Peter! Not all of us are walking furnaces."), animatedly talking about Christmas decorations and inviting him and Derek to the Stilinski home.How his face is lit up in excitement. And he only frowns a little when he scolds Peter, "What do you mean you don't want to invade? You are family Peter, Derek too. Of course we want you with us." It makes Peter's throat tighten from a completely different emotion. Peter tightens his grip slightly before giving a soft hum in agreement.

I can do this, he thinks after a few moments, I can try Christmas again. For you.

Stiles eventually quiets back down and looks back towards the movie that's playing out in front of them.


"Yes darling," Peter softly replies to Stiles.

"Can you turn up the heater a little? I'm still cold..."

Peter huffs out a small laugh before giving a small nod, "Of course darling, I'd do anything for you."

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