I'll Brave Christmas Part 5

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When December twenty-fifth rolled around the Stilinski-Hale home was quiet. The lights that previously hung along with tinsel and garland were put away. The tree that was decked out now mostly bare but still standing tall with a single gold star shining high on top. A few presents stayed beneath the tree, but they weren't the focal point of the day anymore. No, the focuses of the day were currently laying in bed, hidden away from the world, wrapped up in each other.

Stiles was still sleeping when Peter woke up, the rising sun casting light just out of reach in their bedroom. He watched his mate in the softly lit room, listening to the sound of his breathing, and thinking over the past few days. He wished that him and Stiles had the much needed talk before it came to a head like it had. However, he also thinks that it needed to boil over just for the two of them to realize that it was a much bigger issue than they were making it out to be.

He can't help but wonder though if he'll spend the rest of his entire life unable to celebrate a holiday because of the trauma of his past. He hopes not, but he appreciates that he has someone who will understand if he does. Suddenly he can't help but think of Derek, who had to leave to finally find himself. Who spent years away before coming back a new whole person, and in love and expecting too.

You need to work through your trauma, not "get over it". That's what Drew told him all those years ago during his first therapy session. He never dismissed her words, went against them yes, but never dismissed. He thinks of Cora now, and how she told him once she rock climbs to rise above it all. At first he thought she meant the drama. But maybe she was rising above her demons as well.

It's Christmas, Peter thinks, muling the words over and over in his mind. He's not a religious man, not by modern standards at least, but he believes in the message that Christmas delivers. How it leads into Lent, then Easter, like a storybook. A story of birth, relinquish, and rebirth.

He leans down to give Stiles' shoulder a simple kiss before leaning back again. Not too far, never too far, but far enough to take in all of his lover.

"Mmmh," Stiles mumbles before turning his body towards Peter in his sleep, "I love you Peter Hale."

A smile tugs at the corners of the wolf's mouth as he leans back down to give Stiles' shoulder one last kiss before shutting his eyes to go back to sleep. Wrapping his arms around the younger man he lets himself rest and his mind stops racing. Deciding that his troubles can wait for later in the day- or tomorrow. But first...

"Merry Christmas Mieczyslaw"

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