I'll Brave Christmas Part 2

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"Your plan is going to bite you in the ass."

Peter hated his therapist. Unlike his last therapist this woman was sarcastic, didn't believe any of his bull, and constantly called him out on his schemes. It was probably why he still attends, so he can actually get better and more adjusted. However in moments like this, when he didn't want to do the healthy thing and instead wanted to do the normal thing, it can be annoying.

"I don't see the problem," Peter starts off only to be cut off by Drew.

"That's the problem actually, but continue," her voice dries with slight humor, but Peter just rolls his eyes.

"Wouldn't it be a great way to get over my trauma?" He questions, his arms going out in exasperation as he leans back in his chair slightly, the front of the legs raising from the floor. Drew just looks at him with a raised eyebrow at his words before he gives a slight chuckle.

"Oh right," Peter pulls a mocking smile on his face, "work though my trauma, my bad."

Peter watches as Drew as she looks at him for a weighted minute before looking down to write notes in her open journal. He wonders what she uncovered in the split moment let his cynicism out. If she rediscovered the lasting insecurities and fears he has about himself. Or if she found something brand new to add to her book of Peter Edward Hale.

When she stops writing, she sets the pen down and fully closes her journal instead of leaving it ready for any more notes that can be added in the last ten minutes of their session. Drew looks at him again in silence and sighs.

"So what are you getting Stiles and his father for Christmas? I take it you've started your shopping?"

Peter hadn't started yet actually. Every time he's tried to go inside the mall to find Stiles and John something he's frozen up upon seeing the families walking in. He'll hear a little girl laugh that sounds a little too close to his late daughters, or he'll see a pregnant wife walking with her husband. He hadn't even made it out of the car last time.

"How about decorations Peter? Are you helping your boyfriend decorate his home? I'd met Claudia when she was still alive- may she rest in peace- and that was a huge tradition. Decorating the house as a family, and all those in it."

Peter thinks back to the untouched box of Christmas ornaments that sits in the Hale vault. They were crafted by his grandfather as a gift to his grandmother, made of glass and crystal. It was a tradition to place them on the christmas tree no matter the theme. He'd have to get them if he wanted to decorate, but even the thought of looking at them makes his insides turn to a numbing ice.

"And Derek? Since you accepted the invitation for him, does he know?"

Peter looked towards the window and watched the snow fall. And he let himself lean father back in the chair, the front legs rising higher and higher.

"I'll figure all that out," Peter's voice pulling on false confidence as he turns back to Drew and smirks, "Won't be hard."

The chair wobbles and steadies as Peter keeps leaning back, the back legs starting to strain and groin under the weight.

"Peter, I can't help you find solutions if you never plan to acknowledge the problems."

The alarm on the corner of Drew's desk gave a loud shrill announcing the end of today's session. Peter finally lets himself lean forward and the chair slams back onto all four legs causing Drew to give a slight flinch at the sudden sound.

"Merry Christmas Drew," standing up Peter grabs his jacket and leaves.

Peter hates his therapist. 

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