Chapter 4

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Lucy started walking towards the bar where Natsu was situated. She obviously still hadn't known that the pink haired fire mage was listening in on the conversation that was, coincidentally, about him.

Natsu, on the other hand, hadn't known why she was so adamant about not telling him about what they were talking about, being as dense as he is.

Lucy sat down next to him and sat their awkwardly. The other girls stayed over by the pool to gossip some more, so Lucy had to wait for Mira to come back.

"Hey, Luce! We should go on a job!"

Lucy was flustered. She just was talking about her massive crush on the guy and now he's talking to her. She knew he would, I mean, they were partners and bestfriends. I'd be more surprised if he didn't talk to her, but Lucy was just hoping that he wouldn't for some reason.

"Uhh, I can't, Natsu! to go...uhhhhhhh.........SHOPPING! Yes, shopping........tomorrow."

"Didn't you go, like, four days ago?"

"Yes, but that was for groceries. I'm going with Levy to the bookstore!"

Although, it wasn't true, it wasn't entirely a lie either. She did have plans with Levy that day, but it wouldn't take as long as book shopping would and they'd still probably have time to go on a job.

Natsu stared straight into Lucy's eyes. Lucy was a terrible liar if she's flustered, but being as, cough, unintelligent as Natsu is, he didn't notice.

"Alright," he simply said, his expression bored as he switched his gaze from her to the wall.

"Man, where's Mira? I'm starvin'."

Speak of the devil (heh), Mira came walking up behind of the counter.

"Do I hear someone talking about me? What would you two like?"

"I'd like a strawberry milkshake, please."

"Get me a huge steak with HOT SAUCE!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly.

Lucy groaned at Natsu's poor food choices.

"What? It's good!"

"Yeah? Well, I highly doubt that. I don't even know how you survive with how much calories you gain from one meal and how much spicy foods you consume!" She grumbled.

"You never know unless you try it."

"Aye, sir!" Happy exclaimed coming from talking to Carla to get her to love him and failing miserably.

"Don't take his side, cat!" Lucy glared.

"Aye, sir...." he said, visibly shaking from Lucy's scary glare.

"Welp, I'm going to call it a day." Lucy suddenly got up and headed towards the exit.

"I'm comin' with, Luce!"

She turned around to see a pink haired man run up to her and stop once he got close enough.

"I'm comin' with ya!" He smiled his famous closed eyed grin. Lucy tried to resist it, she really did. But she came to love it too much to say no.

"Ok, fine," she sighed in defeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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