Chapter 2

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It reads as...


"You have 60 seconds to explain or I'm going to paste this banner on you with super glue."- She said holding up Gorilla Super Glue Gel in her other hand.

"Honey you are surely mistaken, I've never cheated on you. How could you say that to me without any solid proof? I love you so much, my baby."

With the innocence and hurt in his eyes anyone can tell that this man is stating pure truth. But the lady's expression still held anger and hurt.

"Ahh...who am I kidding? You are right! The one who needs help is me and my eyes, isn't it?" She said before throwing a picture towards his direction.

"It's impossible; I don't even know this lady. Just believe me Carrie this is not me."

As their argument was going I was standing their awkwardly shifting my weight from one foot to other.

"Wait a second that picture can be photo shopped!" I interrupted them.

"Yeah Carrie believe me it's not me." George cried.

She handed me the Picture. It was a picture of George kissing a young woman in an ordinary room. By the look anyone can say its original, but after close observation I find a strange thing.

"Hey look at this!" I pointed towards arms of that man in the picture.

"It's a little dragon's Tattoo!"I said.

"But I don't have any tattoo on my arms." George declared. I looked at her wife who was now relaxed. She nodded confirming the point.

"So it really is not you, thank God." She said hugging her husband.

"Baby would you excuse me I seriously need to use restroom right now." George said.

"Yes honey just don't take too much time, I already miss your comfort." She joked and slapped his back playfully. Looks like everyone is in a jolly mood today.

"Thank you dear, you saved our day from turning into trash."

"No problem Carrie, I am glad to help you out."

"You know not everyone out there is..." As she was about to complete her sentence we heard a loud thud followed by screams of people.

"What the hell is happening out there?" yelled Carrie

We rushed towards the corridor. Employees were running towards the main door.

Suddenly I saw two man in black attire covered from head to toes holding guns. One of them grabbed my hand.

"Tell me where is George Williams the bloody manager."

"I don't know I'm just a customer here. Leave my freakin' hand."

"Stay still bitch and don't lie to me. You don't fucking know who I am and what I can do."

"Hmm... besides a bastard it looks like you are nothing."

"Shut up bit-"

"Keep Quite Kim leave the girl" A muscular woman appeared from behind and that Kim guy immediately left my hand. Carrie was just watching all this from aside on gunpoint.

"Tell me lady do you know him?" she asked.

Maintaining eye contact I said "No"

Turning aside she observed Carrie and unfortunately her eyes fall on the banner in her hand. Grabbing the banner her expression twisted into a knowing smile, like she finally achieved what she wanted from centuries.

Entangled with Not so Good FolksHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin