Chapter 4

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*Picture of Damien Nash Above!*


"I seriously gotta take a visit to the restroom and then I'll explain everything to ya . Can you please guide me?" I asked with pleading eyes. He seems to be doubtful at first but than he gave me an affirmative look and started to stalk in a direction probably Washroom I guess.

After doing my business I opened the door. He was just standing exactly at the position where I last saw him arms folded, raised eyebrows and seriousness written all over his face.

"You know it was damn easy to pick-up your lock! Don't you think it should be a little more secure. Anyways you have a Beautiful house !"

"Houses are our shelters; I don't feel the need to install a high security system to protect my house. It's not like anyone can tie it with a rope and drive away my Home without it."

"Smart comeback! You got a point there."

"Back to square one what are you doing here and who was that creep after you?"

"Long story short I was chased by some gang members and he was one of them." In spite of a Questioning look he gave me an amused look. Strange!

"So would you like to elaborate cause I've got the whole Day?" He asked with interest wandering in his eyes. Someone is too excited to hear some story.

And that's how I explained the whole Chasing Game to him.

"Do you know what they want, any slightest idea?"

"No! They just asked George for some A-16 File and that's it. It's 21st  century I never had a thought that something like this exists even now days."

"Oh...Is it SO?" Strange! Why he is interested in this stuff?

"May I use your phone to call my friend?"

"Yeah." He handed his phone and I dialed the only number that I remember.

On Call-

"This is Marcus, the sexiest man you have ever laid eyes on speaking." I rolled my eyes on his cheesy behavior

"And this is your Mother Idiot!"

"Amy baby? You never informed me that you brought a new phone without me. I'm hurt with your betrayal." So dramatic !

"Stop it idiot this is not My New Phone. Pick me up and I'll explain you everything later."

"Fine! Where are you?"

"Why ask me when you can track besides I don't know where I am."

"Aye Aye Captain! I'll be there don't miss me too much."

"I never do."

Call Ended


"Fortunately just a friend. By the way where is Kim's Body?" I hope he is not seriously injured or something.

"I got rid of him." What? Is he dead or...

"Did you killed him?" I asked

"No silly! I just injected him with Sodium Pentothal. He's sleeping peacefully. I'll dump his body somewhere far from here."

Wait... who keeps Sodium Pentothal in their house. Maybe he is medical professor.

"Thanks for saving my life."

"No problem princess."


"Yeah you look cute."


"Don't take me the wrong way. I was just wondering how we have same eye color look." He pointed towards his eyes.

"Many people have blue color eyes that doesn't mean anything." I shouted. I don't know what came inside this pretty mind of mine but I feel like Punching this douche bag.

"You are shouting on me the one who saved your life? This is not fair!" He said with puppy eyes.

God why ? I repeat Why you did this to me? I'm here only for some few minutes still tired of this man. Is he on Man periods?

"Thanks for all that but look we are fighting like some long lost friends which is too strange for my liking. So here is the thing you can do to distress me- Be silent and I'll leave your house as soon as my ride will appear, Fine?"

"Can I ask you one last question?" Not again God

"You already did!"

"When did I... Oh yes but seriously this time; Where is your family?"

That question caught me off-guards. Where are they? I have no idea! Hell I don't even know their names. Are they alive? That folder was the only known memory of them which I know so far but those fucking Bank employees fucked up with that. My only chance to know about my Parents, my Family.

"Hey are you all right?"

Am I? No, who is okay without love without parents. My life is nothing but a Loveless cycle. I was hoping to find out my background but God denied me of that opportunity.

The bells ring brought me out of my thoughts.

"Pick up your bags your ride is here." He sensed my mood and even tried to joke but I hummed in response and followed him towards the main entrance.

He opened the door and their stood... Wait a second that's not Marcus!

"Hi madam, I'm Carl. Sir's car broke down so he send me to pick you up from here."

Before I can answer him his phone ringed.

"Yes sir I'm here... All right." He directed his phone towards me and I took it.

On Call

"Hey Amy, Sorry I can't pick you due to this goddamn car. It broke in the middle of this deserted road and probably would take hours to fix. That's my friend, he will drop you to your apartment and I'll be there as soon as I'm done."

"No worries, Be safe and thanks a lot."

"Yeah you too."

Call Ended

"May we leave madam?" Carl asked and I nodded.

I don't know why but my heart was not letting me to leave this place. It felt like Home.

"Thanks Again..."

"Damien. I'm Damien Nash."

"Thanks Damien" I held my hand forward for a handshake but instead of it Damien engulfed me in a surprise hug. He patted my back and I got this strange feeling of safety and home again.

"Stay Safe Amy." He patted one last time and broke the hug.

"Call me if you need anything anytime."

"Will do, Bye!" I waved my hand and he did the same.

The first time in my life I Felt like home with Damien but Why?


Hiyee readers (a big bunch of balloons for ya all )

How's the chapter?

Hope you like it !

Be Safe &  Happy !

Thanks for  Attention !

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