unoriginal coffee shop au

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Ship: Analogical
Au: human/coffee shop

Logan's pov:
I had just gotten done with an assignment for my writing class and decided I needed a 'pick me up' as Patton puts it. I walked to my nearest coffee shop just across from the dorms. I walk in and wait to have my order taken, am greeted by a short male with purple hair and what looks to me dark under eye makeup. "And what can I get for you-" he looked up at me and seemed to put his sentence on hold. "Salutations, I would like a straight black coffee."

Virgil's POV:
Let's hope that's the only straight thing about you. "Uh yeah c-coming right up." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I walked over to where my coworker Remy was, watching the man sit at a table in the far corner of the room. "Awww does someone have a crush?!" Remy asked "huh?! What. No. I don't even know the guy how can I have a crush?" Remy smirked and walked away. "The cup is overflowing btw." I looked down and noticed I had spilled a river of hot coffee all over the counter and my hand. I put the lid on the cup and started wiping off my hand "Black coffee for..." CRAP! I didn't ask him his name! "For the man in the square frames." I mentally face plamed. really that's what you went with? The man walked over and handed me some cash along with what looked to be a business card. I put the money in the register and slipped the card into my pocket.

######### TIME SKIP ########

Logan's POV:
I arrived back to my dorm and set down my coffee and started opening my laptop when I get a Text from an unknown number

("Unknown" and  Logan)

???: hello?

Me: Hello who is this?

???: oh um I'm the guy that gave you your coffee at Starbucks.

Me: Might I ask how you obtained my number?

???: there was a business card mixed in with the money you gave me so I wrote down the number. Sorry

Me: No it is quite alright, might I ask what your name is?

???: oh um It's Virgil.

Me:  Greetings Virgil; I am Logan.

Virgil: Nice to meet you Logan.

Virgil: um I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out or something?

Me: certainly, I believe I am free at approximately 5:30 PM. Where would you like to meet?

Virgil: library? Also sorry to ask but can we move the time? I have classes till 6.

Me: ofcourse, I'm free until Tuesday.

Virgil: cool Well, see ya then.

Me: You*

Me: To you as well.

To be continued...


Hey, sorry this update took so long.
I hope you still enjoyed it.

Take care.

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