chapter 1: the blood thirsty friend

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"Ok, troy maybe we can beat our record" I said to myself.

Yeah I'm quite lonely here in the suicide woods on the outskirts of Tokyo.
My power is phantom I was in the woods I live in practicing my plasma levitation on a 30ft tree my record of being able to keep it levitating in the air was a minute.
This time I was able to keep the tree up for a minute and 50 seconds then I ran out of plasma energy and the tree came plummeting down towards me while Ivan who I had not met at the time was out hunting for blood when he came to where I was training he hid in the bushes on the other side of the training grounds waiting to get a bite out of me
But I didn't notice that he was there

:I don't really like the taste of dead people blood but it will do if that tree kills him: Ivan thought to himself

I turned intangible and the tree had fallen right threw me then I disappeared and reappeared in front of Ivan but facing away from him unaware of his presence behind me.

:Wait he has powers?: ivan thought to himself

I still was not paying attention and was so happy about how long I used my powers

:maybe he noticed me I should go: Ivan thought while backing up but stepping on a twig.
:damn he definitely knows I'm hear now: he thought

But in reality I had no idea he was there its a quite gloomy and cold with out any sun so to stay warm I am active and try training my powers. he was getting weak at that point and then jumped back realizing I was in front of him and rustled the bushes a little bit and I sat there thinking of how well i used my powers beating my record but my arm spasmed and I hit him in the nose but I had no idea what that could lead too.

"wow I beat record by 50 seconds" I say excited.

:shit he probably knows where I am: Ivan thought to himself.

but séance I was not paying any attention at all I did not hear his thoughts and was still unaware of him behind me. I guessed he saw me as pray for his next meal but I still had no clue I was being watched that entire time.

:I want him to be vulnerable so I can drink his blood... maybe now might be a good time: Ivan thought.

this time I heard him but did not respond cause it would be rude to listen in on thoughts so I just stood there like the idiot I am which I guess gave him time to pounce on me cause the next thing I know I felt what seemed like two large 4 inch fangs sink into my neck I knew the place I moved too years ago was full of vampires but I never thought I would get attacked but it honestly felt kinda nice feeling pain again. I thought for a few seconds then grabbed him by the neck and flipped him over my shoulder with way to much force and slammed him onto a rock which I think hurt the rock more than him.

"Oh sorry i guess I used way to much strangth, here let me help you up" I say reaching a hand out to him. "you must be thirsty" I went on saying.

But I did not notice my hand around his neck until he reached his hand out and grabbed my arm to get me to let him go.

"Oh sorry" I say letting him go and helping him onto his feet while holding my arm out so he can quench his thirst for my blood.

I began thinking I like him and that's why I did it. I noticed a weird expression on his face. I decided to make a joke from tiktok. (yes I'm not all that boring)

"well are u just gonna stand there dumb ass or are u going to do something?" I said grinning a little bit while looking at him.

we sit in silence till he says something but oh my god his deep voice that has a low growl in it when he talks was so hot and don't get me started on those glowing yellow eyes god its like they can stare into your heart and see your deepest darkest secrets but I'm hoping he cant see my secrets.

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