chapter 3: the irrevocable bond

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"I don't have any thing bad going on in my life" Ivan lied.

"you can stop lying to me I know something was gone from your house last night." I say and just stand there.

"what was gone from my house?" Ivan asked me

"well... I don't know really.... he went missing recently..... and I can.... ok fine when I was leaving your house yesterday I saw the spirit of your dog laying next to you and realized it had passed recently and im so sorry for your loss." I say taking a breath before I continue. "I'm sorry, I probably freak you out, I'm used too most people usually running away when they realize I see things, if me flouting around doesn't do it already." I say kicking rocks while looking at the ground.

neither of us said anything till he broke the silence after a minute or so.

"same... mainly because I'm a vampire though." Ivan said.

"yeah and I'm a ghost, well half ghost." I say with a light chuckle.

(ok now we are now gonna focus on Ivan for a few seconds.)

:god damn it, I wanna be friends with him really badly:

Ivan thought too himself for a second then continued in his thoughts.

:..... I don't know why but when he kissed me I wasn't as scared as normal..... I wonder why?: Ivan thought to himself

(we revisit Troy who is still just standing facing away from Ivan and looking at the ground.)

I see something from the corner of my eye moving and I look up knowing what it is but of course only I can see it or should I say him.

"leave me alone jack, I know your there." I yell out into the forest guessing how crazy I look just from the face Ivan made.

Ivan cocked his head a little too the left in confusion, but just as he did a ghost about from the looks of too be 20 years old probably before he died materialized from the woods, he wore a white shirt that had small spots of blood on it and his jeans where ripped at the knees and shins and he wore a pair of black puma shoes and a black cap and a pair of shades.

"Aw yOur NoT fuN aNy mOrE, Oh AnD wHo iS tHiS CutIe?!, YouR BOyfrIenD?" jack said gesturing too Ivan.

"just GO!" I yell at him knowing he wont take me seriously for shit anyways.

"FinE, iLl LeaVe yAlL ToO fUcK, BuT yOu kNoW wHerE-" he says but stops to clear his throat so he can talk normally. "to find me." he finishes talking and disappears back into the woods.

"I'm sorry about that I can see and talk to ghost effortlessly, go ahead call me freak if you want too" I say glancing over at Ivan and meet his glowing yellow eyes, ours eyes locked onto each other which makes me immediately drop my eyes back to the ground.

"its ok, I don't judge people that much anyways" he says almost making me get lost in his voice but I snap out of it when I get the urge too kiss him again.

:gah snap out of it I cant let that happen again: I think to myself when I notice another vampire sneaking up from behind on Ivan.

my first action when I noticed this was I started flouting and sent a sharp spear like plasma stream through the guys chest and into the ground then I land back onto the ground.

"ha.... I wonder what that vampire was trying to do let alone in the woods which is where-wolf territory after all" Ivan chuckled vary quietly under his breath.

"good question" I agree then go on to question the random vampire. "what the fuck where you trying to do?!" I say getting serious, and defensive.

the stranger starts too cough up blood then talks.

"gah I just wanted to give him a hug." the stranger said.

"why?" I ask intimidatingly.

"cause he looks like he needs a hug." the guy said.

"look I don't even know who the hell you are but if he need a hug he can ask me do you understand. oh and another thing you don't just walk up too people and hug them if you don't know them especially out of no where that's how you get your sorry ass killed, who the hell are you?" I ask after lecturing him.

"I'm just a random vampire looking to spread happiness" he says smiling weakly.

"ah huh right." I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "why are you really here?" I ask glaring at the stranger.

"....-" the guy was gonna say something but before he could I cut him off.

"never mind that just go and don't come back here again" I say and glide my hand over the plasma stream and it disappears and the stranger falls onto his ass.

the vampire got up and ran over too where Ivan was in a blink of a eye and grabbed his crotch which made Ivan course tense up, I don't know what took over me but the next thing I know my fingers are clutched around the vampires neck and the temptation too kill him grew stronger but I droped him.

:I hope Ivan don't know I like him: I think to myself.

"why are you protecting me? its weird" Ivan stated before he got lost in his thoughts.

"GO NOW" I growl at the vampire now scrambling away from us in fear.

:douse he like me.... as a friend of course?: Ivan questioned himself In his head.

"uh... um... sorry just....I....." I don't finish my sentence instead I continue walking off.

while Ivan was lost in his thoughts I keep walking deeper into the forest and when I'm about too disappear Ivan snaps back to reality and walks home then I disappear. Ivan gets home and lays on the couch falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. and I just float on my back falling asleep and everything went dark.


jack's POV

I was leaving the forest when I saw someone break into Ivan's house and drag him into a van and started driving and I know that if anything happened too him Troy would be devastated so I did what any good friend would do. the van got about a block down the road till I appeared in front of the moving van causing it to swerve and that woke up Ivan.

"YalL aRe all tHe samE, leAvE this maN bE" I say with my raspy ghost voice

"nah" the driver said

"I WarnED YoU" I say intimidatingly.

Ivan was trying every exit there was, but none where budging while I pick up the driver and smash him through the driver window and smack his head on a tree branch. then I use my paranormal powers and unlock the door Ivan was trying to open and he gets out the van and looks at me.

"FiNd TroY" I say too him

"troy???? who is that?????" he asked.

"ThE GhoSt BoY" I answer him.

"ohhhh why?" he asked pissing me off.

"JuSt gO" I say aggravated.

Ivan had left too the forest while I stayed back and broke the drivers neck and shot the goons in the chest 5x each. Ivan got to the forest and entered the trees and saw troy looking adorable while sleeping in the air and he gave a gentle smile and fell asleep in a near-by tree.

Troy's POV

I wake up probably like 1 hour from when Ivan had fallen asleep in the tree and unwillingly nor thinking I floated down to where he was and fell asleep again next too him.

(thank you all for reading this chapter and I love u all im sorry this chapter was kinda late cause I was under a lot of stress and stuff and I had just moved back to tampa so I had packing I had to do but im back now and I should have the next chapter out next week or the week after.)

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