chapter 5: could this be real?

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I look at the star filled sky and sigh deeply inhaling the cool night air as a breeze is kicked up, my footing was not all that great either so I slipped and hit my head on the branch knocking me unconscious. I fell like ten feet and then hit the ground with a loud thud.

(I guess imma do a POV for certain parts of this book cause it will be needed)

Ivan's POV

I heard a loud Thud out side so I went to check it out but when I got out there I saw troy on the ground he looked a bit dead to be totally honest but I could hear his faint shallow breaths. I ran to his side and picked him up gentaly as too not hurt him, and I carried him into the house and laid him on the couch and went to grab a blanket to cover him with. After I did that I sat on the other couch and watched him. I only got up a few times to use the bathroom but other than that I just made sure I checked his temperature and such, he slept the entire night and most of the day after, he finally woke up around 5:00pm or so. Threw out the time he was sleeping I rarely left his side and he did keep groaning in his sleep so at least I knew he was alive.

Troy's POV

I wake up too the afternoon sun light shining threw my eyelids. I groaned and wanted to keep sleeping but I knew I should not and then I realized I was not on the ground or floating in the air I was on a soft surface. My eyes flutter open when I hear Ivan clear his throat and I sit up and I kinda start freaking out cause I have no memory of what happend other than slipping then everything went black.

"Hay how are you feeling?" Ivan asked tiredly.

"What happend? where am I? What am I sitting on?" I question him cause I have no other source of information while rubbing the knot in the back of my head.

"Your in my house, and your sitting on my couch and you fell and hit your head but how are you feeling?" Ivan asked after he finished explaining what happend.

"I think I'm ok I'm in alot of pain though I say as I try to stand up.

As I place my left foot on the ground a sharp agonizing pain shot threw my leg I could tell emidiatly that I broke my ankle and sit back on the couch then remeber I can float but my back was acking from laying on the couch for so long and just sit there.

"I would have been fine with the floor I'm used to sleeping on the gro-" I cut myself off not too let out my secret.

"Why did you stop?" Ivan asked with his amazingly handsome voice.

"Oh it's not important but you should get some rest you look exhausted" I say changing the subject.

"No I'm gine i pull alot of allnighters watching stuff on my phone" he explains.

I get up ever so lightly and start floating but I just lower myself next to Ivan and grab his hand in both of mine.

"Please" I say agian still holding his hand.

"Why are you worried about my sleep?" Ivan asked.

"Cause you need it and it's good for you" I explain as I take a smile.

"Nah I'll sleep when I'm really tired I'm not as tired anymore now that your awake" he smiled a little bit.

It took everything to not cry but a tear made it's way out from my eye. I know what your think I'm super emotional but there is a different reason for why I was crying. Ivan noticed the tear and wiped it away.

"Hey dont cry" ivan said with a tone of guilt in his voice.

"There is things I want too tell you but I cant cause if I do you will think of me as less of a person" I say as I cant hold back the tears and I bury my face into my hands.

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