chapter 4: confessions

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Morning soon came not long after that. Ivan had awaken before I did and yawned then I woke up, I just groaned and let my head fall onto his lap. Ivan slightly jumped from what I did and then tenses up when jack appears in Ivan's mind.

Jack's POV

I thought I might try to help speed up the prosses of these two so I decided to enter Ivan's mind but I never realized how fucking stubborn and hard headed he was. since I'm a spirit I can kinda talk too people through there thoughts but they have too most of the time to talk out loud for me to hear them and most of the time when I am in there head I feel what they are doing.

"aRe yUo GaNnA tElL hIm hOw YoU feEl?" I ask him through his thoughts.

instead of talking he just shook his head no and I swear he would give me a horrible headache if he kept doing that.

"HaVen't yOu noTiceD he liKes yOu?" I ask him hoping I wont get a migraine.

(p.s. if u see these : I means its a thought of a person)

:I've noticed...: he thought and I'm glad I could hear him.

"ok so why cant you confess you like him don't you?" I ask him mentally.

Ivan began to blush uncontrollably before he spoke, well more like stutter. he mentally stuttered

"right, hahaha" I burst out laughing before I continued "your a quite bad at lying you know." I blurt out mentally and continue "you might just be what he needs most in this terrible world" I finish.

:why douse he like me though?: Ivan asked.

"I don't know maybe you just made a good impression on him or something" I tell him.

:how did I make a impression? I only drank his blood" Ivan says.

"your forgetting something, u did more than just drink his blood yesterday you showed him kindness and compassion you stopped him from hurting himself and I'm vary great full for that, you where a great friend towards him, at least in his mind you where. u showed him something he did not see for almost 10 years you like him too don't you?" I ask him after lecturing him just a little bit.

Ivan douse not say anything but he clearly is thinking about it.

:ok fine I confess only after he confesses first: he tells me mentally shy

"good ill be back" I tell him and leave his mind and enter Troy's mind.

thank god troy is a lot more simple to convince.

"troy tell him how you feel about him" I tell him.

:but-: he starts to speak but I cut him off.

"do it" I tell him mentally stern.

:ok fine: he reply's and I leave the forest

Troy's POV

I decide to take jacks advise but I realize I'm laying on Ivan's lap and I tense up and Ivan notices and looks at me.

:ok its now or never I cant hide my feelings anymore: I think to myself and then take a deep breath and look at Ivan.

"uh Ivan?" I ask him whispering.

"hm?" he asks in his handsome voice.

"um I think I like..... you" I say even quieter than before.

Ivan just smiled and looked at me.

"I...I....I like you too" Ivan replied.

it made me so happy when he said that and I did not hold back no more I leaned to kiss him and he tensed up but relaxed and leaned down and our lips connected I just wanted him to shove me down and make out with me but its like he read my thoughts cause the next thing I know he is pinning me down to the ground by my waist and is making out with me so that made me really happy. I kiss him more passionately and wrap my arms around him when he starts to bite my tongue after I slip my tongue in his mouth.

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