Chapter 1- Fake It Until You Make It

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Yuno snuggled under her blanket more as she dreamed soundly. She was in a simple cafe, enjoying a caramel latte and her favorite detective book series. It was quiet in the Cafe, with her favorite barista cleaning her dishes. She could smell the aroma of coffee, deep within her nostrils...

She felt 3 soft taps as her woke up with a start. She could hear ringing in her eardrums. Yuno reached to turn off her alarm as she looked at the time. 7:41...Oh God! I'm gonna be late for my first day of school! She tried to wrangle herself free out of the large blankets. Instead, she fell flat on her back on the floor. With a small groan, she looked up to see her ghost, Taura Bronzer, hovering over her with a slightly concerned look. She's probably the one that woke me up. If only she woke her up a bit earlier...

"Taura, I'm in a bit of a time pinch. Can you please help get my stuff together while I take a quick shower" Yuno gave the ghost her best puppy eyes. She pulled out her fan and sighed. "Deto. (Really, with how long you stayed up?)" She scratched the back of her head. "Yeah I know I was supposed to go to sleep on time but the movie was so interesting." She softly rolled her eyes as she flicked her wrist slightly upwards. She felt a soft gust pull her up to your feet. Another flick and the blankets were back on the bed."Thanks so much Taura, I'll be out in 5 tops" Yuno ran with her bath towel to her personal bathroom. While she showered, Her ghost worked quickly and quietly. Arranging the bed, picking out her school uniform with her new low top sneakers, and retrieving items from her desk to put in Yuno's backpack. All in a flowy, whirlwind of her fans motions. When she finished, the stand softly fanned herself as she sat, floating still, waiting for her user. Yuno ran out of the shower, steam following close behind. "See I told you 5 minutes tops."

She looked at her newly arranged room and materials. "Awww Grey, you did all that for lil ol me..."As She started to get teary eyed, your stand sighed as she pointed at the clock with her fan together. Yuno turned to where she was pointing. 'Ah Crap it's 7:48 already! I can't waste anymore time or I'll definitely be late.' She managed to dress in 2 minutes flat. A personal record she would ponder on later. Once she had everything she needed, she ran towards her stairs. With one brave go she leaped down her long stairs. She felt another gust of wind gently place her one of her feet down as she kicked off with the other out the door. She felt Taura lock the door as you left. "OK, a regular walk to school is 18 minutes. But if I run straight there I can cut that in half!" Her stand had since gone inside her body. Yuno held on to one of the straps of her backpack as she picked up the pace. As she turned the 3rd corner to school she bumped...well ran into another student. While she didn't trip and fall, she had to swivel her feet some to keep her stride and continue running. Yuno looked over her shoulder at the Red haired boy in the green uniform. "I'm so sorry but I'm in a really big hurry! The red haired boy just blinked in mild confusion as he straightened his backpack a bit. "Well she's in a rush. I hope she gets there on time and doesn't knock anybody over" He continued his casual walk towards the school campus. "Yuno started to see her school in the distance. "Alright, I can see the school. I think I can make this." She looked at her watch again. 7:55. 'Ok if I can keep this pace with no speed bumps I might even ha-' She was of course interrupted by running straight into a wall. Or it at least felt like one. The collision knocked her clean on her butt. "Owww, fine I guess I deserve this one..." 2 different chills went down the spine. One for who she bumped into. And another for what she couldn't quite place. But she'd could deal with that later feeling. Now she had to make sure she didn't get pummeled by the worst behaved delinquent in school. Jotaro Kujo.

Yuno heard the rumors about him. Even before she transferred to this school. All the fights he would get in. Inside and outside of school. The way he yells to the girls in his "fan club" when they are around him. She even heard he beat up the school nurse. Yuno gulped quietly to herself as she stared at the muscular teen. His teal blue eyes felt like they were piercing into her psyche. She scrambled to get up from the floor as he fully turned around. "I-i didn't mean to..." She started to feel her throat close up in fear. She didn't know if her eyes and mind were playing tricks on her, but she thought she could see a purple aura emanating from the teen. Her severe anxiety was getting the best of her as her knees started to tremble.

"P-Please's the first day." she's squeezed out barely. She saw him mumble a small "Good Grief." as he walked towards her. Yuno could feel his aura feel less intense but it was still coming closer. "Oi calm down, i'm not going to.. ." A giant gust of wind stopped him in his tracks. She felt her ghost form outside your body, glaring down at the delinquent trying to get closer to its user. Jotaro flashed a look of surprise before going back to his regular stern look. "A stand." he said. Yuno's eyes widened as he heard him say something as he looked where her ghost floated. "Oh no, he can see her!" She picked up her backpack and booked it past him as he was distracted. She ran at full speed like she was getting chased. Looking back to see him still standing there. With an unreadable look on his face. She turned back as she ran into the entrance of her school. "I don't even care about being late anymore. I just don't want to get beat up on my first day!" She ran straight from the entrance till she found the first girls restroom. She huffed and puffed, trying to get her breathing under control.

"Deto. (Please calm yourself Yuno.)" she felt a comforting voice in her head say. "Thanks, I'm trying my best." She pulled her class schedule out and started to look through it. Ok so her class was just upstairs. From this bathroom, take a left, up the stairs and the first room on the right. She was startled out of her thoughts by a bunch of high pitched screams in the bathroom. "Omg, Jotaro is nearing the entrance of school. Let's go say Hi!" As they ran out of the bathroom, Yuno left the stall to take a look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess with all the running she did. She straightened out her as she felt little gusts of wind press down her uniform shirt and skirt. First peeking out the door, she saw the crowd of girls circling around the school bad boy. She almost rolled her eyes to the back of her head. "Why would you want someone that actively beats people up?" she asked herself as she shook her head. "Deto. (Maybe they bypass it because he is quite handsome). Yuno shushed the ghost in her head. "Don't say stuff like that Taura!" she shouted to herself. She briskly walked up to her classroom. She took one final look of the delinquent before going up the second flight of stairs. She wished she hadn't. He was staring right at her. With his piercing blue eyes. "Oh God..." she ran up the rest of the stairs. She walked into the classroom just as the bell rang. She took a big sigh as she slumped down in one of the seats near the window. Yuno looked out the window as everyone was getting settled in. Out the corner of her eye she saw red hair. It's that first boy she bumped into! He took a seat next to her. Yuno looked up and gave him an apologetic smile. He did a small wave and a gentle smile back to her. She sighed and put her head in her hands. "Well, at least that's one problem resolved."

Authors Note: Hello, I hope you're enjoying my oc character. This is gonna be real slow because she's basically a fainting goat in human form. Sorry if this chapter is kinda short. And I'll be posting again soon. I'm going to introduce someone I think is important for my story next chapter. I hope you like them as well.

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