Chapter 9- Come Together

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“Yu-sweetie! Reiya’s at the door!” Takeshi yelled from downstairs. Grabbing her purse off her school desk, she ran down the stairs to see her friend. “Yo, you ready for the arcade?” Yuno smiled and nodded. They walked out together. “You guys don't stay out too long, a cold front is coming in tonight. ” Reiya gave a thumbs up to the man. "Of course Mr. Lanosette! We won't be out too late” As the two walked together, Reiya squealed with excitement. "I'm so ready for this new arcade! It opened up yesterday and people say it has everything." Yuno nodded. "I want to play a shooter game. Those are usually easier for me." Reiya nodded excitedly. "Sure! Then we can play the new dancing game. I bet Kakyoin can't be me at that" Yuno looked up inquisitively at her friend. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Kakyoin and I made a bet he could beat at my best games. He says he's good, but he can't be good at everything!" Yuno giggled. She knew her friend could get extra competitive. But it definitely would be interesting to watch. 

Kakyoin and Jotaro were walking towards the arcade. They were meeting with Yuno and Reiya to hangout. “It was nice to see the crew again. Even though they left as swift as they came... '' Kakyoin said. Jotaro nodded in response. But he couldn't concentrate on the conversation at hand. He was thinking about what his grandfather had told him before he left. 

"Oh Jotaro, before I forget.." He was helping Joseph and Avdol with their bags. Polnareff had left a day earlier. "Avdol and I were talking, and we were thinking that you should train Yuno and her stand." Jotaro raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. "A stand like that is rare Jojo. Harnessing its power would be a great asset if something awful ever comes up." Jotaro scoffed as he turned away from them. "No way old man. I'm not babysitting nobody. I figured out she wasn't evil. That's good enough." Joseph sighed, fully anticipating the conversation going this way. "Tsk Tsk Tsk" Jotaro looked back at Avdol waving his finger. "It's a shame, she seems like a nice girl. Just a bit unsure of herself and her surroundings. But I guess you're probably right. She doesn't need training, considering how she almost bested you in battle…" Jotaro glared at the Egyptian. He could tell what he was trying to say. Joseph caught on quickly to Avdol's plan."Avdol is right, that stand is more than capable. It's one of the strongest I've seen since Egypt!" 

Jotaro gritted his teeth. He knew what they were trying to do. Get under his skin so he'd give in to their stupid demands. He thought about their rooftop fight. Her determined hazel eyes burned into his brain. Fighting even with fear in her heart. He couldn't deny the courage, although misplaced, she had fighting for her friend. Also that her stand was crazy powerful. He could barely predict her attacks due to all her spinning and jumping. And it's wind powers were no joke. Just imagine what she'd be like if Yuno had some stamina and confidence…

Jotaro sighed and pulled his hat down. "Good grief. I'll do it. Just stop badgering me." Avdol smiled while Joseph cheered. "Alright, I knew you'd do it. That's my grandson!" And Kakyoin can help you too when you don't feel like it." As they finished loading their belongings, Joseph put a hand on Jotaros shoulder." Take care Jotaro. Call me if you need anything. Especially for…Lady advice" Jotaro shrugged off his hand as Joseph belted out a laugh. He could see a faint dust of pink on his grandson's cheek. As He and his mom waved them off, he thought about the new task he had to undertake…

As the two muscular teenagers turned the corner, they saw their friends up ahead. They watched them start to cross the street. However some jerk was speeding down the street, ignoring slowed down traffic. He watched as they quickly tried to react. Jotaro knew he only had seconds to act. "Kakyoin!" Kakyoin nodded, knowing exactly what to do."On it!" "Star Platinum!" Star rushed out and grabbed Yuno’s arm and moved her out of harm's way. "Hierophant Green!" Green entered Reiyas ear. Controlling her body, she leaped out of the cars range. As people rushed over to see the car as it crashed down the street, Jotaro and Kakyoin ran over to the girls. Reiya looked a little worried, but Yuno looked visibly shaken up. 

"Are you guys OK? That was a close call." Kakyoin asked as he knelt down next to Reiya. "I'm fine. I didn't think I could leap that far. Must of been the adrenaline kicking in." Jotaro walked over to Yuno. She was still on the floor, slightly trembling. "You OK?" She slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah. I just...what would have happened if you guys weren't here? I couldn't even react in time. I couldn't even save my friend. Plus even if I could, the damage Taura could have done would have caused a scene" She looked down as tears welled up in her eyes. "Tauras power is wasted on me. A talentless nobody…" a few tears fell as she wiped some away with her sleeve. Suddenly a handkerchief was shoved to her face. She looked up to see Jotaro pulling his hat down. "Crying isn't going to do anything. If you want to be strong, you're going to have to work for it. And considering your stand is already strong, it's more on you." Yuno took his handkerchief wiped her face. He offered his hand and pulled her up. As they watched Reiya wave at them, he turned away. "You…have a lot of potential. So don't waste it." 

Yunos cheeks grew red at the compliment. No one ever thought she had any real skill at anything. Well, except with rocks. As they walked together, Reiya looked at Jotaros face. "Oi Jojo, are you okay? It looks like you're coming down with a fever" He pulled his hat down. "Tch. I'm fine. Now leave me alone, you blue haired Bitch" Reiya huffed while Kakyoin chuckled to himself. The 4 walked towards the arcade for a day of fun. 

Authors Note: Sorry I've been away. Finals were stressing me out. But I'm back for two weeks until my summer classes start. I'll try to upload a chapter as soon as I can. Yall stay safe and please, wash your hands. You're supposed to anyway, just do it more. Alright see you guys, K thanks bye.

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