Chapter 10- Blame It On The Boogie

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"Alright, we're finally here!" The group group looked in to see a bustling new arcade. Kids, big and small, were running around. Trying to play the latest games and the classics. "Ok Kakyoin. Time to put you in your place!" Reiya said posing confidently. "I don't know about that Rei-chan. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm quite good." Kakyoin said, sporting a light smirk. Reiya put her hands on her hips. "As if, you couldn't beat me at everything, right?" Oh how she was very wrong.

Yuno proceeded to watch her best friend get demolished at every game. It was almost sad. Shooting games, fighting games, racing, not a single win. She couldn't help but giggle as the bluenette ruffled her hair in frustration. "Arrrrgh! Yuno! Please tell me he's cheating." As her friend shook her head, she groaned in defeat. "Fine I give. I guess gaming isn't my thing after all.." As Yuno tried comforting her friend, she heard footsteps walking away. She saw Jotaro walking away from the group. 'It's probably too crowded and noisy for him. I guess he went outside.' she thought. Reiya suddenly perked up with an idea. She grabbed Yunos wrist and yanked her through the crowd. Kakyoin didn't even get the chance to turn around, to find them missing. When they stopped, it was in front of a dancing game.

"Yuno have some fun! I don't want you just watching us all day." She shrugged. "Im fine watching you guys. Y'all are more entertaining than the games themselves sometimes." She sighed as she pushed the meek girl to one dancing pad. She walked over to the other one. "OK, pick a song. Whatever you feel like dancing to." Yuno went through the list. Most of the songs she didn't know. Until she found one she thoroughly enjoyed. Her father always loved this kind of music...

(For reference, please play the song attached for this chapter)

Both of the girls started to dance to the rhythm of the song. Reiya for added effect, struck poses with the start of the song. Yuno laughed as she matched with her own. As they played, a small group gathered around. They looked in awe as the girls stepped, not missing a beat. Some of the people in the crowd commented on them both,

"Wow, they're really going at it!"

"Is that Reiya-chan from school? Oh man she even dances cute!"

"I wonder who that girl is next to Reiya-san.."

Kakyoin noticed a small crowd forming near a particular game. He went and maneuvered his way to the front. He saw two of his friends going ham on at the game. Neither breaking concentration, as their faces fixed on their respective screens. He smiled at the pair. 'I never thought I would actually have friends like this. It's quite nice..." He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back a bit to see that it was Jotaro. They both stood as their game was winding down. The crown cheered as the girls both struck a final pose. Yuno through the slightest of margins, had won the most points.

Reiya slumped forward in defeat. "Just my luck, not even at a dancing game." Yuno walked over and comforted her friend. While she did, both of their stomachs grumbled. Both of them giggled at the sounds. "I guess that's the signal for us to get some lunch." Kakyoin said chuckling at the blushing girls. Jotaro just pulled his hat down and shook his head. "Good grief.."

They ended up at The Well. The group took a seat in a booth. Kakyoin and Jotaro on one side, while Yuno and Reiya on the other. A waiter eventually walked towards their table to take their orders. "Hello, My name is Charlotte and I'll be your waiter. What can I get for y'all to drink?" The 4 thought over it for a second before ordering.

"Can I get a green tea with honey please? Kakyoin asked.

"I'll take a cola please! Reiya said enthusiastically.

"May I have iced caramel latte with light whipped cream please?" Yuno asked shyly.

"I'll take a coffee. Black." Jotaro said curtly.

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