At Alex's house

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Alex offered to drive you to his house which you kindly accepted, the drive was full of laughing and chatting until Alex brought something up that changed the whole mood

"So Y/N do you still hang with your family when you can?" You just looked out the window and sighed "No it's along story" He felt bad for making you sad and suddenly you felt an arm touch your arm to comfort you even tho Alex was focusing on the road he still cared enough to make you feel better.

The rest of the ride you stayed quiet and Alex kept his eyes on the road. Once you got to his house he got out of his side of the car and came on yours to open it. "After you ma'am" Alex said with a smile in hopes to make you feel better "Thank you Mr. Brightman" you said as you got out of the car, he walked you up to his door and opened it reviling a medium sized house with tile through the walk way and soft brown carpet leading up to the living room. and soon enough you found yourself being licked on the face by a tanish colored dog other known as Kevin.

"Aww well isn't that just adorable" Alex said as he locked the door and walked over to you and Kevin "Well I must say your home is nice and comfortable for a man and his pet" "He is not a pet he is my little boy" Alex says while taking Kevin out of your hands and holding him like a little baby as Kevin licks his face "well if you would like you can make yourself at home in the living room and I'll be right back" You agreed and went to the living room and sat on the black couch Kevin not to far behind jumped on the couch and sat next to you with his head in your lap Alex came back a few minutes after and you had wondered what he did but didn't question it "Ok back so what got you into Broadway?" "Oh that's an easy one, you did obviously" he looked a bit surprised "Well actually when you where in school of rock that's when I got into broadway I wanted to carry on a career I enjoy" "oh well that great! You should always fulfill your dreams if you can, so by any chance do you have a favorite song from my show school of rock?" I do actually it's Stick it to the man" (I don't know if you actually like that song so if not just pick whichever one you like from the show) "oh that's a good one it's actually one of my favs too" you guys spent the rest of the night talking and chilling until you checked your phone reading the time on it 10:30 you had to go home because your dad would be waiting for you he lives with you (idk if I already said that or not your 18 but your dad is abusive so you decide to just keep him hurting you a secret) "oh I need to go, will be waiting for me but thank you so much Alex this was a blast" he was happy you said it was fun you could see a smile approach his face but once he realized you had to go his smile faded "oh ok would you like me to drive you there?" Oh no that's fine I'll just walk" "really I could take you I don't mind" "yeah that's fine ill be ok" you lie knowing once you go home your going to get beat once again

Thank you for watching what will happen next will her dad abuse her? Will she be saved? Find out in the next chapter💚

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