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Y/n's POV:
I rushed outside my room and looked at the sight before me, men hundreds of men with black masks on and guns in there hands

The entire cast was rushing out to see what had happened I knew this could only mean one thing, mobs, tuns of people flooding the New York streets screams could be heard from miles and miles 

Then it all faded to black pain rushing to my side causing blood to pour out of me like a infected wound the last thing I saw was a man aming his pistol at me before firing it again black faded my vison and the last thing I remember is the sound of sirens and police shouting


As Alex and the cast rushed in heading to the front desk Alex with shaky hands and messed up hair asked for your room number awaiting a response "Her room number is 401" as Alex got the room number a doctor aproched from behind a glass door "Guests of Y/n?"  everyone rushed over "Im Mr. Hockstetter your all very lucky shes alive but unconscious, situations like this are common but sometimes it kills" 

"Can we see her?!" nodding he opened the door heading down the hallway with everyone close behinde "She may not wake for a while it could take a few weeks or months but I assure you all that she will be ok, Ill give you all some time" 

Sitting around the room everyone said nothing but staired at Y/n's unconscious body "I should be in her position not Y/n this is all my fault" seeing how hurt Alex was Kerry came tohis side "you couldnt have stopped that man its not your fault Alex" 

After a few hours everyone had to leave but Alex insisted on staying the night never leaving your side still hving some hope you would wake soon.

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