The park

97 3 3

You got ready by brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and getting dressed. You went back to your bedroom and grabbed your phone. 

You got to the park, you look around at the beautiful scenery. You get interrupted by a finger tapping your shoulder and turn around to see Kerry with Sophia and Presley.

"Hey Y/N it's good to see you how's everything been lately?" Kerry asks almost suffocating you in a tight hug, " I'm doing well thx for asking how are you guys?" Sophia and Presley then share hugs with you " I'm good" Presley says "same here" Sophia adds and Kerry is the last to respond "I'm doing alright oh btw Rob is bringing Alex there on there way"

Later Alex and Rob showed up and walked over to us, we sat at a bench and waited for them "Hey guys where here" Alex said placing his phone and jacket on the table "The traffic was bad so that's why we got here late" Rob sat down by Alex and you all talked for a while until an unhealthy amount of fans ran over to your bench and asked for everyone's autograph

"Woah woah woah, calm down everyone here let me see if I have a pen on me" Alex checked his pockets and grabbed a pen, a fan gave him their paper and he signed it, followed by Kerry, Sophia, Presley, Rob, and You 

Falling in love with the man who is bright😂Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat