Your home

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You walk down the narrow street with black darkness surrounding you and you feel alone in the moment the cool breeze passing your face causing a chill down your arm you look at your phone for the time when the lightness blinds you (Very relatable😂) "Dang it it's 10:30" you say as you speed walk to try to get home faster

You open the door to the house and close it quietly in hopes to not summon your dad that you call a demon, all of a sudden you hear loud footsteps approach you from behind and embrace for the attack.

"WERE WHERE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU SHOULDN'T BE OUT TO LONG HOW DO I KNOW YOUR NOT TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT I DO, I SWEAR IF YOU EVER STAY OUT THIS LONG AGAIN ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD AS A PLAQUE" you couldn't bare to hear him yell at you anymore so you did all you could to escape "p please d don't h hurt m me d dad I promise I w won't d do I it again" you could smell his bear flavored breath and he was smoking a cigarette he grabbed you by the collar of the neck and dropped you hard on the grown, you looked up at him and saw him reaching for something then you saw a metal figure being brought to the light and swung down on you hard and fast, hot and painful blood dripping from you ribs he continued beating you till he saw you were too weak to walk "NOW GET YOUR DUMB ASS UPSTAIRS NOW AND DONT COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM TILL I SAY" you ran to your room crying and not even 2 minutes later you heard your phone ring looking at the name you smiled and answered it

Who are you on the phone with? Will they fined out what's going on? Or will it stay a secret forever

Falling in love with the man who is bright😂Where stories live. Discover now