Chapter 4

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I woke up at 4:39 in the morning. This left me with 21 minutes to get dressed and make a mad dash across town to the training grounds. Now you may be thinking, it takes way longer than that to get ready in the morning! You'll be late for sure! No. No I won't. I don't give a damn if I'm presentable, as long as I can walk out my apartment without being screamed at, then I'm good. I don't do makeup, don't know how to put it on either.

I pulled a random blue turtle neck over my lump of hair. I walked to the front door, grabbed my boots and I was on my way. It was still dark out, and the streets were empty giving it an eerie silence, it was oddly calming. That might just be me though.

My notebook sat comfortably in my arms, I started keeping notebooks when I moved in with my aunt. At first it was writing down my everyday life, jotting down anything I wanted to remember. But then I started focusing my mind on more advanced topics, I stopped writing about my friends on the playground, my pages began to flow with theories and physics. I binge read anything in the library that would help me understand. My first fascination had been kunai throwing. How hard did you have to throw it? Distance? Velocity? How would the wind affect my knife? What is the perfect way to throw a kunai?

My obsession. I tried connecting math to shinobi, it's not unhealthy, but in the eyes of my peers it turned me into a nerd. By my second year at the academy, I stopped caring if it was 'uncool'. I carried my notebooks everywhere, still do. If I had a thought, I wrote it down, that's my life. Of course I didn't know it would help me so much in the future. My projectiles almost always hit dead center, I can kick anyone upside the kick with perfect accuracy, I just don't have much physical strength to back up all my stances and stuff.

I looked up, quickly checking the positions of the rising sun. I've got five minutes, I'll be fine. My foot punted a pebble across the road as I ran, it hit a trash can with a satisfying clunk. A small smirk graced my lips and I kept running.

Sakura and the Uchiha were already at the training ground when I arrived. The pinkette gave me a small smile, as a greeting I suppose. Sasuke didn't bother to change his facial expression. Kakashi-sensei was not present, despite it being exactly 5 am. I have a feeling his tardiness will be a recurring theme in this apprenticeship. Though I can't imagine willingly teaching brats, so I suppose I won't hold it against him. I sighed, trudging over to a nearby tree. I plopped down, arranging myself comfortably against the wood. My pencil was already in my hand, the other flipping open the book. If I had to wait for sensei, I was going to make it productive.


Naruto was passed out in the grass somewhere, Sasuke was being a good emo bird and sitting in a tree, Sakura sat next to me chatting away in a one sided conversation. Every once in awhile I would nod or 'hmm' just to keep her from annoying me further. The Haruno was obnoxious, just like her hair. Her topics consisted of Sasuke and brands of lipgloss, some of which I couldn't pronounce. I had filled a page and a-half with an equation on foot position, nothing weird about that.

I looked up at the sun, flinching slightly as the glare stung my eyes. It was 8:06, that's around when I woke up for the academy. I had time to finish a quick multiplication sequence before Kakashi arrived on the scene. His presence seemed to spark agitation in two of my teammates. They sprung up from the grass in perfect synchronization. "YOUR LATE!" Kakashi pulled a closed eye smile and rubbed the back of his head, feigning guilt. "Sorry about that, I got lost on the path of life." Watch out sensei, two of your genin are willing to send you on the trail of death.

I shut my notebook and pushed myself to a standing position, I felt my spine pop as I did so. The Uchiha dropped down from his branch, he looked slightly agitated with sensei's excuse. Naruto started jumping around, I don't know how he can have that much energy. He stopped and looked over at sensei. "So Kakashi-sensei, what's the survival exercise anyway?" Kakashi pulled three bells out of his pocket. "You have till noon to each get a bell from me. Fail and you go back to the academy. Understood?" There are three bells. This is an elite jonin. The chance of me getting a bell is 12.4%, it's a little higher for Sasuke and maybe Sakura if she actually tries. Naruto has a ton of energy but I don't quite know what he's capable of, I shouldn't underestimate him.

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