(6) Taylor's POV

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I was running late. I had slept through my alarm, and was now running to school because of it. As I zoomed by, I got a few jeers and whistles from pigheaded boys once they surveyed my long legs. "Feel like running with me?" one of the guys shouted, a sexual leer on his face.

Barely even glancing in his direction, I hurried on. Any other day, I would have stopped and gave him a quick smile, enough to leave him wanting more. However, I was running late, and I didn't want my teachers to get a bad impression.

Yes, I'm a geek. I care about what my teachers think of me.

I ran up the steps, and burst into the hallway, which was empty. Crap. Sprinting down the long, polished floor, I hurriedly went to my locker, opening it.

A piece of paper fell out before I could even put my backpack in my locker. The paper fluttered to the floor, and I saw my name, typed. The letters resembled that of an old typewriter, so it was impossible to tell who had written it. Hands shaking, I opened the note. It would be either a nasty comment from some bitch at school, or it would be...

Taylor, I saw you running today. I'm sure everyone thinks that's how you lost the weight. If only they knew...

I crushed the note with my hand, squashing it like a bug. I was fuming. Why was this creep doing this? How did they know everything about me? The only person who knew about the first thing was me. And the only person who knew about the second thing besides me was my mother... And anyone who had found the notes from the surgeon...

"Um... You OK?"

I turned, jolting out of my reverie, to where the voice was coming from. When I blinked, I saw Serena Marsden, standing there, looking concerned. Great. One of teen royalty's own just witnessed me having a near heart attack over a piece of paper. "I... I'm fine."

Serena cocked her head, looking vaguely similar to a cute little puppy you see in the window. She put her hand on her hip. "Really?"

I nodded quickly, avoiding eye contact. "Why are you out here? Classes already started."

She looked at me as she raised an eyebrow. "I was out heading for the bathroom. What, is that a crime?" She spoke her last sentence with a hint of a smile, as if she was mocking me.

I narrowed my eyes into slits as I thought of a wild idea. What if Serena was the one who was sending me the strange notes? However, I quickly denounced the theory, after realizing that Serena didn't have any motive for wanting to tell all of my secrets.

But Serena Marsden was known for doing things without a reason as to why she was doing them.

The little voice inside my head kept on giving me more ideas of how exactly Serena could have been the note-sender. She and Jill could be doing it as a cruel prank. And she could be just pretending to want to be my friend as a part of an elaborate scheme. You never knew with people like Serena.

Serena took a look at my stony expression, and the smile fell off of her face. "Did I say something offensive, or something?"

 I continued to stare at her, wondering how exactly I would get the words out.

However, Serena interrupted me. She took a look at my hand, that was in a fist and still had the note squished in it. She looked at me quizzically, asking another question. "What's in your hand?"

She tried to pry my hand out of its fist to see the note, but I used my other hand to slap her fingers away. I couldn't let Serena see the note. Besides, hadn't she seen it already, when she was writing it to me? That portion made me a bit confused. She seemed genuinely lost as to why I was reacting so strangely. "I know what you did!" I hissed, leaning closely to her. One thing was for sure, Serena would not get away with this.

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