(5) Jill's POV

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It was a nice, sunny day, perfect for the first day of school. One would say that it was fit for a queen.

That queen was me.

My heels clacking on the pavement, I walked up the steps to the front entrance of the school. I was running slightly late, but there was no way I'd rush in a frantic hurry to get to where I needed to be. For one thing, running always looked so undignified. For another, it made you sweat, which looked disgusting. And for yet a third thing, these people would wait for me. I had no need to run.

I noticed Kai and Emory talking to some blonde girl. I could only see the back of her head, and I immediately assumed she was a freshman. Every year, Kai, Emory, and I inducted a new freshman who showed a small amount of promise into our group. Our Student Slaves, as we secretly called them, completed tasks in order to sit with us and be deemed cool. If they proved their worth (by dry-cleaning, fetching coffee or fro yo, or cleaning up after our messes with prompt efficiency) then they'd get a permanent pass to sit with us at lunch. I remembered one of our possible candidates being a blonde. I walked up to them, oozing grace and poise. "Hey, girls," I said, waiting for them to all flatter me with compliments on my designer outfit.

Kai and Emory both turned around. The blonde turned around too, and I couldn't help my shock as I saw who it was. Taking a step back, my mouth involuntarily opening, I never took my eyes off of her.


Quickly regaining composure, I cleared my throat, ignoring Serena and turning to Kai and Emory. "Maybe we should move," I said loudly. "Something stinks over here... Like cheap perfume."

Kai and Emory both looked at each other, then back at Serena. "They don't want to go with you," Serena answered for them. "They like me more."

I laughed in disbelief. "Excuse me? Was I talking to you? Um, no." I tossed my hair over my shoulder, and waited for Kai and Emory to start walking towards me. But they never did. I coughed, annoyed. "Guys? Hello?" I clapped my hands. "Chop, chop!"

Kai finally said something. "We don't want to go with you," she replied quietly.

"We like Serena more than we like you," Emory continued.

I shook my head in shock. What the hell was going on? Was it Opposite Day? Why were my friends doing this? I shot a furious glare at Serena. She was not going to get away with this. Suddenly, something in the distances grabbed everyone's attention. I turned around, and noticed Theo walking up the stairs. Thank God. He'd be able to help me. "Theo!" I called, waving to him from the top of the steps.

Theo smiled, walking in my direction. I got ready for him to kiss me, and was absolutely stunned when he simply walked right past me. I whirled around right as he placed his lips onto Serena's. "I... What?" I sputtered, in a state of despair. What was everyone doing? What had happened? Why was Serena replacing me?



I gasped as I sat up, and the horrible dream came flooding back to me. I looked around, as sunlight streamed through my window into my bedroom. It was just a dream. That's all it would ever be. Nothing in there would ever become a reality.

Quickly, I grabbed the outfit I had carefully selected out of my large closet and put it on. It was fabulous and designer. I was also probably one of the only people in school who could afford it. My mother had a lot of connections. Speaking of my mother, she'd probably want to see me in my outfit before I left for school. I walked down the stairs in my high heeled boots, then went straight to the dining room. The long, polished table was empty, except for a note, written on my mother's personalized stationary.


I had to jet off to Paris to take care of some work business. Have a good day at school.


I crushed the note with my hand, making it into a big paper ball. Of course she'd be missing the first day of school. One thing Mom was good at was missing every precious moment in my life. Lead role in the school play? Sorry, I have work to do, Jill. Homecoming? Jill, honey, I'll need to miss it this time.

Making the split decision to forego breakfast all together, I grabbed my purse and stepped outside into the bright sunlight. I decided to walk to school because it wasn't that far away. After about ten minutes, I found Kai and Emory, waiting for me... luckily without an unknown blonde. I waved to them. "Hey, girls!" I called from across the school, smiling on the inside as I received numerous looks in my direction. Everyone's attention was on me, which was how I liked it.

However, I didn't look at anyone who was looking at me. My eyes were only on Emory and Kai. With a few large steps, I was immediately close to them. I gave them both hugs, telling them they looked wonderful (even though I was the one who looked the best out of us three), and we compared schedules. "Crap," Emory muttered, looking at Kai's schedule and mine. "I have zero classes with you guys except for gym and lunch."

"Those are the most important ones anyway," Kai replied in a lousy attempt to comfort her. "Hey, Jill, we've got Chem together," she said cheerfully. "Lab partners, right?!"

I gave her a fake smile. Kai could be kind of stupid sometimes, especially when it came to school. I knew that if I grouped up with her, I'd end up doing all of the work. I prayed that Theo was in my class, because then Kai would let me partner up with him. She knew how important our relationship was. That was about the only thing she knew.

Suddenly, I could smell cologne behind me, as a pair of large, callused hands were suddenly laid over my eyes. "Guess who?" A low voice said in my ear.

I smiled, turning to faceTheo, who was behind me, smiling as well. "Hey!"

Quickly, Theo kissed me, and I grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to me as our lips didn't separate. I could hear catcalls and immature "ooohs" in the background, but that slowly faded away as I focused on his lips.

I wanted to keep going, but Theo shifted himself off of me as we fell apart. I couldn't read the expression on his face, but he looked almost... annoyed, for a minute. Then, as quickly as the expression had appeared on his face, it  disappeared, and a smile returned. "I've got to get to class. See you later."

I gave him a wave as he walked away. Suddenly, my phone buzzed from deep inside my purse. "Is that Theo, planning a study hall escape to the janitor's closet?" Emory joked, waggling her eyebrows.

Using my hand, I gave her a dismissive wave as I moved away to check my phone. My heart sped up by a ton after I discovered that the text was from an unknown number. Was it the text from the creepy person from not too long ago?

It was.

That kiss with Theo was hot, but do you know what's hotter? A juicy secret that could destroy you if it gets out. I know one of yours, Jill. Maybe I should fan that flame...

My mouth opened involuntarily. Who was doing this to me? Why would anyone do this to me? Who else knew about that night?

Would they go through with their threat?

"Who is it?" Emory asked, trying to peek at the phone.

I quickly turned it off so she couldn't see, sporting a cunning smile. "Wouldn't you love to know, bitch."

One way or another, I'd find out who this person was. All the while keeping my cool and showing Serena that I was the new queen bee.

Hide and Secret (Wattys2015)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant