The new prophecy

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Third person POV

It was another day that the god and goddess were arguing. Poseidon and Zeus about who has the better power. Demeter yelling at Hade about her daughter. ( Percy ask for Hades and Hestia to get back there throne) Apollo and Artemis about who was older.

When Apollo sprouted out green smoke. That got everybody to shut up because it mean a new prophecy has come to pass.

" The sun god will find love ,

The son of the sea god will change him for the better,

They'll be together forever ,

and help save or raze Olympus "

After that Apollo collapse in his throne. Everybody was stunned Apollo will find love for ever. Some were happen for him because he had hard time with love. Other were envious because they wish they had what he getting and some just didn't care.

" So, what was the prophecy about " Apollo asked

That kick everybody out of their train thoughts.

" The prophecy was about you finding love forever " Artemis answer saying what everybody was thinking

" Oh can I hear the prophecy "

Artemis repeated the prophecy for him so, he could hear it.

" It's about Percy too" Athena said

" What" Ask everybody at the same time

" The son of the sea god will change him for the better"

" Does that mean Apollo and Percy will be together forever " Poseidon wondered

When he said that Aphrodite squealed.

" Apollo already has a crush on Percy" Aphrodite sang

Apollo blush and look away for everyone. Everybody just stared at him for a while. When he gave them the finger they all look at Zeus.

" Bring the boy here I guess" Zeus said still stunned about what just happen

When they flash the boy here they all gasp about what they see. Percy about to kill him self with his sword. They all run to him as fast as they can. Artemis make it there first and not the sword out of his hand.

" WHAT WERE YOU DOING" She yelled at him

" I was trying to end my life Annabeth cheated on me with Zack a new hebe kid and the same person that turn everybody against me"

Artemis Pov

I was surprised to say the least because I thought that she love him. What a lot of people didn't know what that me and Percy have a brother, sister relationship.

" There is no way she cheated on you your liar" Athena said

" Go though my memory than you can kill me like you always wanted " Said Percy while still down

" I not going to kill you but Lady Hera will you go though his memory please"

Hera nodded and show us his memory . He was tell the truth she cheated on him.

( hahah you still don't know what happen )

Poseidon walked over to his son and hugged him that's when Percy just broke down sobbing.

" I thought she love me dad" He said while still sobbing

It hurt to see like this. I look at everyone to see them all sad for the son of Poseidon even dad and Aries. I could see heartbreak in Apollo eyes as he watch Percy sob.

When Percy looked up and locked eyes with Apollo he did something that no one expected he got up out of his father arm ran to Apollo and gave him hug. Then sob on him while Apollo held him.

It was kinda cute but sad at the same time. After Percy was done sobbing in my brother arm. He turn around in Apollo arm. He was still in Apollo arm so, yeah. Then he look at us with red and puff eyes.

" Sorry about that ladies and lords" Percy apologized

The least likely person spoke up.

" It's alright Perseus you just got heartbroken" Hera replied

" No it's my fault for believing she ever love me " Percy said

" I also realized I'm in love with someone else" he added

We all stared at him with curiously.

" Who" Apollo asked you could see the jealousy in his eyes

" Who said I would tell you it's a secret " Answer the son of the sea god

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