Hey guy what up

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Apollo pov ( finally)

" Lord Hade why are we here " Luke ask

( act like nobody went for rebirth)

" Percy got to pick 8 soul that could live again and he pick you guys" Hade reply

" Thx percy " Luke said

" well all of you guys deserve a second chance in this life and it was kinda my fault all you guys die" Percy said with tear in his eye

I want to go comfy him but there were to many people. Also we haven't told anybody were together beside the Olympian and sally.

Smack !!!

We all look to Selena to be the one that smack Percy.

" ITt was not your fault that any of us died we made the choice not you and the fate decide if we should die or not so, stop beating your self up already" Selena said and the rest of the 7 brought back nodded.

" But it was my fault I let Charles blow himself up I should have been the one to stayed I let you fight a Dracula if I was strong enough I would have save you. If I convince luke to join this side he wouldn't never died. If I would have never let zoe fight the hundred headed dragon she still be alive. If I would have went in to the machine instead of Bianca she still be here not me. All the death are on me not being strong enough to save you" Percy argue with tears running down

Selena gave him a hug.

" It was not your fault the we died the fate decide it was our time not you got" she said pulling away from the hug

He nodded and all use to be dead people gave him a hug.

" So, how have life been " Zoe ask

( everybody still watching them)

" there was another war and great prophecy I was in now yet again I'm in another" Percy said groaning

" You been 2 great prophecy and now your in another I feel bad for you man" Charles said

" Like seriously dude that suck " Luke said laughing little

" How are you and Annabeth going" Bianca ask

" We got together after the 2 war I found out that she cheated on me and was using from fame so, yeah were going go" Percy answer with shrug

" Have you got together with anyone else " Selena ask with a smirk

Percy look away from them blushing. All the Olympian just look at me which made me blush. I could see them all snickering at me.  I gave them the finger and look back to Percy and the other.

" You have" Selena squealed

" once Aphrodite girl all way one" Charles muttered if I didn't super hearing I would never heard that.

" Who is the lucky girl" Selena ask

" Who said it was a girl" That when Luke choked on his drink

" Man dude I never seen that coming" Luke said coughing

" Yeah when you start liking boys" Zoe ask

" My first crush on a boy was in 4th grade and I had my first boyfriend in 5th grade" Percy answer

" wow you turned down so, many boy down I thought you were straight" Lee said

" yeah me to" Michal added

" Well that because I had crush on Annabeth and it felt like going out with someone else would be cheating" Percy said honestly

That when Artemis had to cough to get there attention. Then they realize they had been talking in front everyone.

" So, you going to tell who your dating or will I have to" Artemis said ready to tackle him if she had to.

'' you can " Percy answer

"No you are" Artemis said tapping her foot on the ground

Percy ran towards the woods and ran in Artemis was close but not that close. Once we couldn't see her anymore. Percy walk in the dining areas.

" Hey guys what up"

" the sky" I answer

He flicked me off so, I try to tackle him to the ground. But he ide step out of the way. That when Artemis came in tackle him to ground.

" So, tell them who you are dating"

"Fine, Apollo" he said with a huff

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