Chapter 5

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In Cairo , Egypt Mr. Hafez along with all of his men were on the train heading to the first destination and Hafez currently talking to Mika.

"When Imhotep last encountered the O'Connells. They sent his immortal soul to the underworld. As powerful as he will become he is still vulnerable. Only with the army of Anubis will he be invincible." He said to Mika and he snapped his fingers and one of his men stepped to him , holding the book of the dead. "He will need your help. Keep this with you always." He said taking the book from the man and handing it to her. There was a noise as Lock-na came into the train , carrying Alex in his arm while the boy wiggled around trying to free himself. Alex stopped as he saw the book in Mika's hands.

"Hey! The book of the dead!" He said as lock-na let him down roughly and stood behind him.

"What a bright little child." Mika said as she got up and brushed her fingers in his hair as she spoke.

"Your mothers must be missing you terribly. If you wish to see them again you better behave." She spoke softly to him.

"Lady I don't behave for my parents. What makes you think I'll do it for you?" He said smartly and Lock-na shushed him and Mika grabbed his chin.

"Because your parents wouldn't slip poisonous snakes into your bed..." she replied kissing his cheek lightly."While you are sleeping." She said slowly.

"Lord Imhotep wishes to meet the boy." Mr.Hafez told them.

"Now we shall see how brave you are" lock-na said smugly pushing Alex forward.

"Hey! Watch the clothes!" Alex protested before being pushed again.

When that was done the three missionary men came on the train. The shorter one was in front looking around with an impressed smile. "Nice." He said before looking at Mika. "Very nice."

"Did you acquire what we asked?" Mr. Hafez asked.

"Oh we acquired alright. You know what,we had to kill two of those guards at the mausoleum to acquire it." He told them with a smug smile as his to partners sat a chest down.

"This chest is cursed!" Jack told them before reading the symbols on it. "It says there is one, the undead will kill all those who open this chest-" he started but Hafez interrupted.

"Yes, yes. And the creature will suck them dry and become whole again. We've all heard this story before." He told them after sharing a quick look with Mika.

"Well I heard the men who found it 9 years ago all died. Horrible deaths they were." The short one said.

"So with that in mind."

"We want ten."smithy said propping his leg on the chest, and jack smacked his leg off.

"The chest must never be opened." He said.

"The agreement was for five." Hafez told them.

"Yeah well we want ten or we'll take it elsewhere." Jones told them back.

"If you-" Hafez started but Mika put a hand to his shoulder.

"Ten will be just fine. Follow me gentlemen she said smiling smugly as she turned around heading into another part of the train.

Lock-na pushed Alex into a dark room only lit by candles , before bowing down low behind the boy. A dark figure wearing a robe and  a dark mask over his face. Alex ,who stared wide eyed before the figure spoke in Egyptian.

"Listen carefully little one. I know that you can understand me. It is you who is the chosen one. You will take me to Ahm Shere."

"What if I don't? What if I get a little .....lost?" Alex asked which made the figure laugh.

"You are strange little one. You are your mother's son,but I know something you don't." The figure bent down and forcefully ,levitated Alex wrist in the air without touching it. "This bracelet carries a gift and a curse. The sands of time...." he replied turning over an hour glass and Alex watched as sand began filling into the empty end. "Have already began to tore against you." Imhotep said as he sat the hourglass down .

"Yeah,yeah I already heard this part the minute I put the bracelet on, 7 days do I have before the scorpion King wakes up." Alex said knowingly.

"Did you also hear that if you don't enter the pyramid when the sun strikes that very morning, that the bracelet will suck the life out of you?"  Imhotep said the last part slowly and watched as Alex eyes grew wide.

"That part I missed. Hey wait a minute that means I only got five days left!" Alex exclaimed. Imhotep nodded at him.

"I believe it best you do not get lost then, don't you?" He said in a joking tone.

"My mom is going to kick your Ass." Alex said defiantly ,knowing that his mother would come after him and there would be hell to pay.

Imhotep went quiet as he reached up and pulled the mask from his face. Alex jumped back with a yelp at seeing the man without any flesh and holes in his head.

"I do not think so."  He frowned and waved his hand in a gesture for the boy to be taken away.


"In here gentlemen, you shall receive your just rewards." Mika said opening a door to a dark room lit by candles.

"No tricks  now woman. We not giving up that chest until we're satisfied."

"Oh don't worry. There will be much satisfaction to be had." She said as a gust of wind suddenly blew in the room. She quickly shut the door and locked it from the outside.

"What's going on?" Jones asked talking out his gun and looking around.

"This place is cursed." Jack said slowly looking around.

"What's with you and curses?" Jones asked him exasperated.

"Yeah everything's a curse. That is cursed, this is cursed." Smithy said imitating jack and pointing around the room.

"Hey! Give it a rest will ya!" Jones said when suddenly there was a roar and a monster came towards them. The men screamed and began shooting and the monster stopped midway laughing as the bullets went through him harmlessly.

Smithy turned around as the other two continued shooting and banged on the door until a little hatch opened and Mika looked at him.

"He wants you to open the chest ! Open the chest!" She said encouragingly and smithy quickly turned around, and lifted the top off the chest.

"No." Jack cried out but it was to late. The chest was opened and a small mist came from it and when they looked up , the monster was gone. They pointed their guns around the room as jack and jones walked farther into the room looking around cautiously. Smithy stayed by the  door , his hands shaking badly as he helped The gun.

"Where'd he go?" He asked in a shaky voice, looking around scared.

Suddenly the monsters head appeared upside down, behind him as he turned and looked , he began screaming at the creature.

It quickly jumped down from the ceiling and grabbed his shoulders before opening its mouth wide and roaring. As it roared, all his skin from smithy started leaving his body and transferring onto the creature. It lasted no longer than a minute and by time the creature was done smithy'd body was just a shriveled up skeleton corpse.

"Oh god!" Jones yelled out horrified and they both shot at him as the monster with a now translucent skin looked at them.

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