Chapter 9

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"We're gonna go get my son and then we're gonna want to get out of here fast so make this quick Izzy." Ruby ordered him as she passed out equipment and bags down a line to be sat in a pile.

The dirigible or what was left of it smoked and sparked as Izzy moved the smoke away and protested.

"No you don't understand goddamnit! This thing was filled with gas not hot air! Gas! Where am I gonna get gas from around here huh!? Bananas!? Mangoes?! Tarzans Ass!?" The man ranted on yelling.

Ruby picked up her bag with guns and other armories and put the bag on her back as she looked at Izzy talk to her.

"Okay maybe I can get it to run off of hot air but do you how many cubic meters I'd need! Are you stupid!?" He said the last part exasperated in disbelief. Ruby moved out of the way of a spark as she sighed and looked at him.

"If there is anyone who can fill this thing with hot air Izzy. It's you." She said and patted him on the shoulder before turning away.  Izzy just looked at her not really knowing if that was a compliment or an insult.

While no one was looking , Jonathan stepped up and grabbed the golden rod he saw on the ground. "Come to daddy." He said tucking it in his jacket before walking away , whistling.

"Horus!" Ardeth called out and the bird flew to his wrist and he slipped a rolled up piece of paper , telling their location in the little leather pocket on the birds feet before sending it off.

After that they began trekking through the jungle, leaving the wreckage for Izzy to figure out as he looked around and sighed as another spark went off.

"So Ruby what's the plan?" Jonathan asked her as once again she became the leader, guiding everyone.

"Let's find some higher ground." Ruby told them, figuring that's the best thing to do so it could tell them where they are where they needed to go from there.


As Horus circled around the Oasis lock-Na aimed a gun at the innocent bird and with a sinister smirk, he fired the gun , letting off a huge bang.

Ruby and the others heard the gunshot and looked up.

"Horus!" Ardeth called out but it was silent and the bird usually came quickly once he was called.
He turned around looking at them. "I must go." He told them.

"Wait!" Ruby called out and ran up to him.

"I must let the commanders know where we are." He told her.

"You can't go." She shook her head, trying to stop him.

"If the army of Anubis arises-" he started but Ruby interrupted him.

"I need you to help me find my son."  Ruby said with an almost pleading tone and look in her eyes. He also saw a vulnerability that the usually brave and fierce woman never showed. He realized that she was dependent on her family, they were her happiness. His eyes shifted from hers to Evie and Jonathan behind her as they looked at him. After seeing that he nodded.

"At first I should help you." He told Ruby when he met her gaze again.

"Thank you." She said gratefully before they turned around and begun walking.


Imhotep and all the men in red walked through the middle of the Jungle until they came to a small clearing. The clearing looked like some types of burial ground.

"Look Roman legionnaires, and over there are turn of the century French;Napoleon troops." Hafez said as he pointed at the different clothing styles of caged skeletons hanging from trees.

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