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Joanne POV

I awaken from my slumber. I mustn't have this accent for much longer, I must learn the "modern day" language. I saw a girl yesterday and I tried to talk to her, but it was as if I was born a thousand years before. I must find a male and female to study and see how they speak and what it is that they do.

{Time Skip}

I found them! Brother and sister I would guess. No relationship, as they live in the same household. And they are definitely not married, nor engaged. I shall watch and see how they talk

{Time Skip}

I think I got the hang of this... I'm fast at adapting. I can talk to other people once I clean myself up and get out of the trees, not for good... Never for good.

I am rich. I've been alive for... Many years. 128 years now. I've saved up on money. I walk into a store and buy 2 dresses and 5 pairs of jeans and 8 shirts. I'll buy more later. I go to my house from so long ago that no one even knows where it is. It is in plain sight from the view of the mountain, and paid off so no one can tear it away while I'm gone. I put on my skinny jeans and my low cut army boots, the only ones I have now, the other ones wore away, and a galaxy shirt with a small backpack that matches my shoes and holds my stuff I carry with me. I go buy an iPhone 6 with a space grey finish, and I get some apps, set up my phone number etc. I got a black case and painted it to match my shirt. And 2 other cases, one to match my jeans, they are all the same color, and one purple life proof case with a galaxy skin. I go to town and sit on the bench. I see a guy with a guitar, pay him, ask him if I can play a song, and play a great song and make a lot of money, and give it all to him. His smile is so wide. He is wearing some jeans and a red plaid shirt. I notice he was hanging out with the guy I was watching from the tree, when he left his sister at home with his parents. He looks so young, yet old and weary. Like me. Not possible. I am the only one like me. I ask him,"How old are you?" "17" he replies. "No, I mean how old are you really?" "17" he says, while i give him a "seriously" look. He gives me a confused look and turns his head side ways and says,"I'm..." He gives me a look of realization. "Oh no! How did you know? I'm in big trouble now! Don't take me away to experiment on! Please!" I put my finger over his mouth and shake my head. "Look into my eyes, do you think I'm really 17? No I'm not, so I will not take you away to experiment on." He stares at me and shakes his head as if saying impossible, then whispers, "impossible" he looks astonished. "No, nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm Possible!" I smile and he smiles back. He looks so happy... I get lost in his smile. Oh! I haven't even said my name!!! "My name is Joanne, what's yours?" "Fabian, and how did you get so good at the modern day American accent?" He replied. I half laugh, "I'm a fast adapter!" I smile. I ask, "Do you have a home?" He shakes his head. "You can stay at mine, it's big and lonely... You can sleep downstairs, because I sleep 3 stories up. I'm simi-wealthy so don't worry about that" I offer. At first he refuses, then gives in, nods, and comes with me. He... Is like me. It all flows into my brain like a rushing river, I hadn't really thought about it. He is like me!? Wow! That was easy? Well, not really.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I will be updating a lot at first, then after about five chapters I won't as much, but once I get into it, I'll update it more. I write for fun so I will keep writing. Your guys' input really does help and makes me want to write more:) Please vote for this chapter if you like it and comment if you have any suggestions! See you in the next chapter!

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