My House

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Joanne POV

I take Fabian to my house and set him up downstairs. I take him to the store and buy him pretty much the same as I bought for me. Except instead of dresses, a nice outfit. I see Fabian laying down on the couch. I go upstairs, to the nearest spot to the trees, climb out the window and go in the trees. I stay there for the night. The trees are my friends, they are as old as me.

Fabian POV

I Look out my window and see her in the trees. Wierd. I ignore it and go to bed.

Mystery POV

I must tell Joanne about the planet. And that there are more than she thinks of these people like her. I call them "Death Cheaters". Not a specific name yet, that's just my preference. I will tell her in the morning. When she goes back to the trees like she does everyday. She goes back and leans up against the biggest one with a old carving. It is so warn you can barely see it, but it still says, as it had the day it was carved, Joanne+"L", with a heart around it. They started that. That was a long time ago. I'll be waiting for her there. She will see me and not know who I am, but will know I am a "Death Cheater"

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