Back Ground

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Back Ground Information:

The Stone: In the stone, most people are wealthy because they lived so long. But some are not, therefore there are some charities and soup kitchens in the stone. Some death cheaters live outside of the stone. Some by choice, some by force. (The ones that live outside by force do not know that they are being forced. They rarely even know that their are others like them because most have been mind wiped.) The stone works like most community's except for the fact that the stone has very advanced technology. There are almost no crimes committed and when there are, it's often kids testing their boundaries. If the crime is serious, the offender can be banished and mind wiped or something along those lines. There are other reasons people can be sent out and/or mind wiped.

The Three: These three people have "special abilities". Once these people turned 17, they slowly gained these abilities over the many years they would be 17. "The Three" have only one currently known member, Catherine (Last name unknown), but we do know that they can be dangerous and each member has their ability adapted to them self from a element (Water, Earth, and Fire). The "Tie-Breaker" is a member who acts as a leader to the group. It is not known if this person has more power, but it is highly speculated that they do not, yet we do know for a fact that they do hold more control and have more respect than the other members.

The Council: The council has 11 members and they rule/decide on things but they have lower people that submit ideas to them then they vote. "The Three" are like the top and more powerful then the council. If one of the three are corrupt then its the others job to fix/ take them out. The council makes most of the choices but if they cant decide then they go to "The Three".

Death Cheaters: All death cheaters are normal and age until they are 17. When they turn 17, they turn into their fullest self. Most are rich. Death Cheaters usually live inside the stone. They do not commit many crimes and if they do live in the stone, they rarely leave. When trying to leave the stone, you must give a good reason why you wish to leave. Sight-seeing is not a good reason. If you wish to move out into the human world, you must move out for at least a year before you can come back. But there are some exceptions. None of the death cheaters are raciest, sexiest, and they do not treat people unequally at all. There are no "races" in the stone, but there are different skin colors, but it means nothing to them. They are all equal.

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