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18th march

dear seungcheol,

hey, you probably have not received my other letter yet but i was itching to write you another one so i did.

spring is here, the cherry blossoms are blooming so beautifully. the view is really pretty here, i hope it is the same at your place as well.

did you know? in the language of flowers, sakura stands for the fleeting nature of existence. this flower can only bloom for a short amount of time. it's beautiful, yet so fragile. it made me think back on how short life could be, you'd never know when it will end. hence, i want to live a life with no regrets.

spring marks the start of a new school year for us as well. we are both sophomores now, and by the time we know it, we will be high school seniors. how are you coping with your studies lately? i am sure you will be fine, you are seungcheol after all, haha.

i will probably continue writing you letters from time to time. i do not have your contact number yet so i will resort to writing letters to you for the time being.

please stay healthy and all the best for the upcoming school year.


can we please take a moment to appreciate how adorable coups is when he falls back the moment the fireworks come out? i love this guy so much fml.

dear seungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now