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8th april

dear seungcheol,

you're lying, i definitely pranked you well that time, didn't i? stop lying haha.

you have not dated before? that's a surprise. i was so sure that you would have dated at least once by now, since your personality is so charming. i am sure many girls like you, seungcheol, they are just too shy to express their feelings towards you.

as for me, i have not dated as the right person has not come yet, i guess. frankly speaking, i do have someone i like, hence my heart is only occupied with feelings for this person to the extent that i can't accept anyone else in.

lol that sounded deep, didn't it?

i know it's bad and that i should be more open to others, but i guess i like this person more than anyone else could imagine. i'm too lovestruck, i guess lol it's actually weird saying such things to you, i'm sorry.

this is getting depressing, i should stop talking about it. i look forward to youe reply as always anyway, seungcheol!


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