You make my heart beat

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I wake up and Josie is passed out on my chest and I look at the time 5 am. I have till 8 to go to work so I close my eyes again.
I wake up again and Josie's still there but I have to get up and ready to go. I carefully put her on the couch with the blanket over her. I go to my room and quickly change into my uniform. Yes, I'm a cop. Everyone told me I wouldn't make it so I put in the extra hours and here I am. I go out in the living room and Josie hasn't budged at all. I got to the kitchen and make up some coffee with a piece of toast for me. Then I go over to the door and put my shoes on.
"Hope?" Josie walks over to me with her wrapped up in the blanket from the couch.
"Is there anything you need?"
"You're a cop?"
"Cool." We stand there staring into each other's eyes. Till my radio calls me telling me to head to the bridge.
"I gotta go." I hurry out of the apartment and race to my car then start the horns and lights speeding to Wickery Bridge.
I see a jumper. He seems to ready to just give up his life. Cameras recording, Lights shining the chief is talking the guy down. I see him cry and I have to keep a straight face and not cry. This is gonna be on national television. The guy let's go and jumps I break rank and jump after him. I know I'll be in trouble but if I can save his life then it's worth a lecture. I grab the guy and angle ourselves so that we don't die. A cold force sucks me in as I have the guy passed out. I swim with one arm to shore my bun fell out and I'm soaked but he's okay. News reporters tell what's happening to a camera. I carry the man up to the ambulance and once he gets secured he heads to the hospital.
"Mikaelson!" The chief yells coming up to. I stared straight ahead but instead of a lecture I get a smile. "Nice job. But if you ever pull something like that again there will be consequences."
"Yes sir."
"Good. Now go home I don't want you getting sick." I walk back to my cop car and get in putting on the heater as I drive off to my house. Chiefs orders.

I can't stop thinking about youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang