Welp, Happily Ever After Is True

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I feel a light shining into my eyes causing my body to move in discomfort, which caused pain to shoot throughout my body. I groan and I start to remember what happened before the darkness. Olivia shoved me out of a window. I hear familiar echoing voices surrounding me. 

"She's waking up!" I hear a mans voice say.

"Come on baby. You gotta wake up." Josie. I have to get to Josie.

I use my strength to open my eyelids. I look around the room to see Landon, Mg, Penelope, and Josie watching me. 

"What'd I miss?" I joke which causes soft laughter to echo throughout the room. "How long was I out?"

They look at each other like they debate on telling me at all. 

"Guys? How long have I been asleep?" 

"4 months." Penelope says and I look at Josie and her belly is big but not big enough to be born yet.


"You wouldn't wake up after the fall. You broke your right leg, but the doctor said you can use crutches. The doctor also said that Olivia took most of the fall damage and the vest helped protect you from being paralyzed. She's next door about to leave. Then she's going to jail." Mg says from the end of the bed on my left side next to Josie. 

"So you mean to tell me that the psychopath who watched me for apparently years and shoved me out the god damn window that put me in this fucking hospital is next door and I get to sit here and watch her get better while I don't get to remember what happened for 4 fucking months?!" 

"Basically yeah." 

I sigh and lean my head back with my eyes closed. I steel myself and sit up fully ignoring the sharp pain that shoots through my leg. 

"Well then I guess I better get up. Hand me my crutches please." 

Landon goes over and grabs my new walking implement. He hands me them as I move to stand up. I get the rubber under my armpits. 

"Also, we noticed that Olivia broke your headboard. I don't know why." 

"Actually that was, uh, me." 

I turn to face the rest and Landon just dies laughing and Josie goes red in the face. I take her hand and she smiles at me. 

"Well that answers a few questions. You ready to get out of here?"


I begin to hobble out the room and Josie stands next to me and Mg goes behind me with Penelope behind him and Landon on the other side of me. I'm ready to get the hell out of here.

4 Years Later

Josie and I moved out of the apartment a bit later and we could afford it because Josie and I went to this ball thing and she was still pregnant about to pop. She got paid because they wanted to see how their favorite pop star was and they found out that she's getting married and a kid on the way. Along with that I got promoted to Lieutenant so I got paid more and we bought a four bedroom and three bath house. It's a simple place in the city. 

Anyways Josie had a baby boy and named him Parker. He has brunette curls and brown eyes and he's a little darker cause the dad, but I don't love him any less. Unfortunately I have to work all day and Josie is on tour singing her heart then she'll just stay home till her next concert. He doesn't like to be away from his moms for too long. 

I get home and Penelope is sitting on the couch and she looks up at me and smiles.  She volunteered to watch Parker for Josie and me.

"Hey Hope." 

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