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2 days before the photoshoot

I am literally close friends with Carly now. First of all, she's a very talented designer. Second, she's super friendly and funny. Third, looking at fabrics and doing the fitting  are not supposed to be fun, but with her, it is. So, Carly and her team will be my stylist for the wedding and the photo-shoot. Her team consists of very talented people. They are divided into several groups. The first one, the one who makes the dresses, is led by Carly herself, consists of 8 people. The second one, the hair and make-up team, consists of 6 people, is led by Carly's sister Olivia. The third one, the team that handles all the accessories, shoes, jewels, consists of 5 people, is led by Carly's cousin Helena.

I spend the day with Carly looking at what kind of fabrics I want to use, then I have to pick the shoes, I have to decide almost the entire look for the wedding. Thank god she made jokes all day, so it's not boring at all. She is super nice too, earlier I said that my mom is going to kill her when she looks at my dress, how simple it is. And you know what Carly said? She said that she makes wedding dresses to make brides happy not for money. Wow right..


A day before the photoshoot

"Okay, it's so damn funny seeing how panic Chandler was after he spilled Ross's secret," Xavi says while laughing.

"Yeah and you know, I almost died, listening to Ross speaking Mandarin." I laugh with him.

Xavi came this morning and we've been watching friends non-stop while eating pizza. We finished season 1! Well, actually we watched it from episode 12 because he had watched episodes 2-11 back at his house. But we also finished our pizza like 4 hours ago, so I am pretty hungry now.

"I am already hungry. Do you want to get some food?"

"Sure. Where do you want to eat?"

"Well, there's this food truck near the park. The owner is very nice, he sells this amazing burrito filled with crunchy deep-fried fish and creamy spinach with tons of cheese in the middle, accompanied by the lemon butter sauce. You wanna try it?"

"Sure, let's go. Let's use my car."

"Why don't we just walk? It's not that hot anymore."


We get down and start walking.


"About this marriage arrangement, I am sorry. I just realized that I never said sorry. So I want to tell you that I am very sorry."

"Why are you sorry, Jess?"

"I mean a guy like you, you must have someone, a girl, that you want or like or maybe love. I am sorry that you got stuck with me instead of her. I am sorry that my parents encourage your parents to agree on this."

But he just grabs both of my hands. "Hey, it's not your fault. I mean we both were forced into this. But let's be optimistic about this. You're a fun person and I like spending time with you, Jess. And, I don't have any girl waiting for me or something."



"No, really... you don't have a girlfriend? That's pretty unbelievable you know.."

"No, Jess," he chuckles, "I don't have a girlfriend. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Well okay, first of all, you are very handsome. And you're nice and fun to be with. You also have a very charming smile."

"Thank you. That's a lot of compliments there. But I just haven't met the right one. I mean, all the girls only want me because of my money and my look. I am sure you can relate.."

Who is he kidding?

"What do you mean? Of course, I can't relate!" I laugh." Come on Xavi, you're a guy, but you're still prettier than me, well not to offend you by saying you look like a girl or anything but you are one good-looking creature. I googled you, remember? I searched you and I found out you were 3rd, you ranked the 3rd on the most handsome man in the world, you beat Shawn Mendes! I read your wikipedia."

"If only you could see the way that you look from here, you'd be amazed by the sight," he mutters.

 ... what? What did he mean? He didn't just say that I am beautiful right? Wait, haha.. there's no way. Okay, he did not tell you that you're beautiful, don't get your hopes up.

Oh gosh, now my heart is beating so fast, even faster than when I went up to deliver my speech at graduation. And of course, I am so sure that my cheeks are as red as a tomato by now. I am such a loser.

"H-hey! That's the food truck." I walk faster to the food truck leaving him behind.

"Jess!" I hear his laugh from behind. 

"HELLOOOOO! Mr. Windel! How are you? Business doing good?"

"Yes of course! I am fine, I feel even better seeing you here!" He gets out of the truck to hug me for a bit then he gets back into the truck.

"Okay, you got a long line behind you. The usual?"

"Make it 2!"

"Okay, darling!" I move to the left to hand the money to June, his daughter.

"Now we just wait for our number to be called."

"You know him well?"

"Yes, he's very nice and he gives good advice."

"58!" June screams.

"That's our number. Be prepared, because, your world's about to change." I run to June to pick my burritos, I mean even the paper bag smells so good, "Thank you Mr.Windel! Have a nice day!"

"Same to you too honey!" He screams back at me as I run back to Xavier.

"Here it is." I hand him his burrito

"Here I go." he opens the paper wrap and he takes a bite.

"Woah.. this is so good!"

"I know right!" I love watching people try a new food or beverage and looking at their amazed expression. 

We both eat our burrito at a pretty fast pace while talking about how good it is and Xavier asks several questions about Mr.Windel.

"Hey you got a little something there," Xavi says to me.

"Where?Here?" I touch the corner of my lips.

"No, let me.." he grabs a tissue from the paper bag and wipes the sauce that's on the middle part of my lower lip. But what makes my heart beats like crazy is the intense eye contact after the wiping session. But, I am who I am, so like usual, I say something a normal person's not going to say.

"You know, you have very clear skin, like Alexandra." He laughs and finally, he takes my hand and pulls me up.

"Okay, let's go back. We got Rachel green waiting at the airport for Ross back at the tree-house," Xavi says.

And we spend the whole day watching FRIENDS. We eat popcorns, we eat ice cream, we even order McDonald's so we don't have to stop watching. Who knows watching FRIENDS with the world's youngest and I think most handsome billionaire would be fun?

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