Schoooool (Finished)

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Izuku's POV:

I woke up to the sound of bleeping from my alarm clock. I turned over only to see what a mess my room was! I got out from under my covers and sat there for about 3 minuets. Just thinking to myself. "Maybe ill find my mate today!"
I got changed shoved all the clothes that were on the floor in my fabulously huge walk in closet. Grabbed your clothes you had set out the night before and ran down stairs. I went to the kitchen to find loads of suitcases at the door "Whats this for Mum?" I asked my Mother.
"Remember? Your moving into your dorms today at UA??"
I shook my head
"How do you not remember Izuku?! Its all you could talk about a few days ago!" You mother said shocked.
"Heh sorry mum. Anyway I've got to get going. Cya" I say.
Bye sweetie remember to take your bags with you!" She says.

You hear a car toot its horn and a blonde haired bot pops his head out of the window and screamed " HURRY UP DEKU!!! WERE GONNA BE LATE TO CLASS!"
"Sorry Kachann!" I shout back as I grab my bags and ran to his car. He opened to boot and I threw my bags in. I got into the front seat and we were off. We finally arrived and took our bags into homeroom where Mr. Aiziawa was and all the other class 1A students were. As I ran to my seat I had bumped into one of the Alphas in our class.
"Oh My God! I'M SO SORRY OH MH GOD UM LET ME HELP YO-" I was cut off by his soft finger touching my lips.
"Shhhhh Let me help you" The Alpha says as he got up.
I could of sworn i heard Kachann give out a low growl. Nah. I look over to Kachann and i can see his eyes slightly glowing. I keep hear low growls coming from him too...
"Hello?" The Alpha says.
I take his hand on to be pulled up by pure strength. I look deep into he red eyes and he looks into mine. "SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" You hear Mr. Aiziawa shout.
"As you may know we are moving into dorms! I've got a list of names of who will be sharing a dorm with who. Shoto and Bakugou, Momo and Jjiro, Kaminari and Mina and Mydoria and Kirishima." Once he read out the rest he said "Come get your keys and go to your dorms."

An Alpha and Omegas' love {Discontinued For The Moment}Where stories live. Discover now