Lemme clear this up

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Izuku's mark is a green rose with droplets on it:

Izuku's mark is a green rose with droplets on it:

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Kirishima's is a  bouquet of red Roses:


Todoroki's is fire and Ice:

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Todoroki's is fire and Ice:

Todoroki's is fire and Ice:

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Bakugou's is an explosion:

YoU cAn SeE yoUr oWn mArk! If YoU haVen'T fOunD yOur sOulMate Then ThEir MarK wOnT bE vIsiBle oN yoU

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YoU cAn SeE yoUr oWn mArk! If YoU haVen'T fOunD yOur sOulMate Then ThEir MarK wOnT bE vIsiBle oN yoU

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