idea 2

47 1 2

title i had chosen: 



if X imagines himself as the blue caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland when he's tripping on acid, who does he imagine Y as?

prologue i wrote for it:

X was 11 when he took his first drag of a cigarette. His friends had threatened to kick him out the popular group if he didn't join them in the abandoned parking lot behind Frosties FroYo. X's most import virtue at the time was his popularity, so that's all that mattered. He followed his so-called 'friends' to the parking lot, and got high for the first time in his life.

The brunette boy had thought that if he smoked this, he'd not only keep his position as Popular Boy #3 in his grade, he might just upgrade to Popular Boy #2. But, that wasn't the case. In fact, majority of the girls in his class hated him after, which downgraded him and clique to Boys #18 to #24.

X didn't care - he just wanted to get high again. It made him feel so free; it made him forget all of the huge expectations his parents had put on him.

As X grew older, he got crazier. Button, Button, Where's My Button? was a common game he played at highschool parties. Any time he had money to waste, it went straight to T.J., his town's drug dealer. T.J. gave X whatever he wanted or whatever he needed. X was his #1 customer - the first person called when a new drug shipment came in.

Soon, X turned 18, and was legal to buy alcohol. He was getting drunk every Friday and Saturday, skipping school on Mondays because his Tequila Hangovers were too much to bear. He moved out of his parent's house, saying he was going to college, but really, he just slipped around London, going to crack houses and growing weed out the back of his hippie van.

But there was one drug, one drug that was like home to him: LSD. It gave him such a crazy trip, he craved more and more each time, and he bought more and more with each drug deal. He got high or went on a trip every waking moment for the next 6 months. His brain was deteriorating so quickly, that he became trapped in his own world. His high never faded; he always saw crazy things.

Then one day, he looked in the mirror, and saw himself as the Blue Caterpillar from his favorite book: Alice In Wonderland. And that's where his brain stayed, locked in the mentality of Lewis Carroll's novel. His family was the boring sister that made him find interest in a rabbit hole. Every crowd he saw was water washing him through the keyhole. Every animal he saw was a rabbit. Every drug was a piece of cake with the note: Eat Me! Every thing related to Alice in Wonderland to him, except one thing: he was missing Alice.

When X was 21 and a half, and deep in his Alice In Wonderland trance, he was pulled over for speeding, but soon taken into the police station for possession of drugs, driving under the influence, and a slew of other things that could easily get him jailed. But once the court (he saw the court as the animals stomping around, trying to get dry) found out about his drug trance, they wrote him off for Asylum 67 and rehabilitation.

The asylum workers stripped him of his daily highs, but X was still stuck in his mind-numbing scene. He was locked away in room 12, never aware of the screaming and crying of his fellow patients.

And on his first day at rehab, he saw Y, or in X's state of mind, Alice Liddell.


Y was peculiar to say the least. He came from a long line of alcoholic fathers and uncles and mothers and aunts. The Y family's drinking problem was so bad, the town's rumor was that the babies in their family didn't drink milk from their bottles; they drank their parent's beer.

But Y was the odd one out; the weird, straightedge cousin. He saw what drugs did to people: it turned them into monsters, slowly killing their brains until all that's left is an empty shell of what once was. His family got in bar fights, in street fights, in fights over the last 24 case of beer in the supermarket.

Since he saw his mom nearly kill his brother because he dropped her beer, he vowed that he'd never touch a drop of the stuff, he'd never fight, and he'd do whatever he could to stop other people from turning into what his family was.

He joined a punk band which was filled with a bunch of other straightedge pacifists like him. He also worked part-time as a waiter in a restaurant where beer was not sold. The last place his devotion went was the rehab center in outer London, where he helped Dr. Jacobs cure patients from their addictions, sharing his story of why he had two big X's tattooed across his hands.

But one day, Dr. Jacobs's hardest case was brought in: X, a tall brunette boy who had lost so many brain cells, was in constant high. And Y was about to leave until he heard X's first words ever spoken in the rehab center.

"I've finally found Alice Liddell!"

background/my thoughts:

i replaced the names with X and Y. i don't really have anything really to say, just be careful when writing. i wrote this so long ago, and i've learned that stuff like this isn't something to romanticize. 

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