idea 3

25 1 0

title i chose:



in a town where surfers and bikers disagree, more tides exist than the ones in the ocean, but those are just as dangerous.

prologue i wrote for it:

didn't write one :(

background/my thoughts on it:

this was supposed to be a yoongi fic where he was a biker and the girl was a major girly-girl who wore like polka dot bikinis and her older brother was also a beach guy/jock and was ready to fight yoongi when he tried to make moves on his girl and didn't warm up to him until he saw yoongi (who was scared of water) dive in after her when a big storm came in and she fell off her surfboard

i thought of this idea when i was at the beach and wrote it down and never really thought of it again, but i really like this idea. why didn't i ever finish it smh

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